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Dr Gail Brenda Cross & Dr Lok Bahadur Shrestha

PhD presentations

Event date
Tuesday 24 September 2024
Event time
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Event address
In-person & online. Kirby Institute, Seminar Room Level 6, Wallace Wurth Building, Kensington Campus, UNSW Sydney

Dr Gail Brenda Cross will be presenting:

Rosuvastatin as adjunctive therapy for drug-susceptible pulmonary tuberculosis

Host-directed therapies including statin drugs hold potential in tuberculosis treatment. We conducted a multi-centre, randomised-controlled trial of adjunctive rosuvastatin in the treatment of ds-PTB. Embedded biomarker discovery studies included PET-CT, cytokinomics, metabolomics and host transcriptomics to evaluate as predictors of treatment efficacy and the impact of statins as a treatment modality.


Dr Lok Bahadur Shrestha will be presenting:

Bivalent Omicron vaccine booster increases memory B cell breadth and potency

This study was conducted to compare immune responses to monovalent or a bivalent COVID-19 vaccine. The bivalent vaccine induced a larger increase in neutralising antibody, broader memory B cell response and Spike-specific T cell responses than the monovalent. The bivalent vaccine confers an advantage against future variants.


Gail Cross
Gail Brenda Cross is an infectious diseases physician who has worked around Australia and in Singapore. She is interested in host-directed therapy, biomarker discovery in tuberculosis and health-equity. She currently resides in Melbourne with her family.
Dr Lok Bahadur Shrestha
Lok Bahadur Shrestha is a clinical microbiologist and infectious diseases physician from Nepal, currently undertaking his PhD in Viral Immunology and Vaccinology at the  School of Biomedical Sciences and the Kirby Institute, UNSW. He has published 39 research articles with 1480 citations and an h-index of 16.

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