Projects Showing 1 - 18 out of 127 results Filter by Program - Any -Asia and Pacific Health ProgramBiosecurity ProgramBiostatistics and Databases ProgramGlobal Health ProgramHIV Epidemiology and Prevention ProgramImmunovirology and Pathogenesis ProgramInfection Analytics ProgramSexual Health ProgramSurveillance and Evaluation Research ProgramTherapeutic and Vaccine Research ProgramViral Hepatitis Clinical Research ProgramViral Hepatitis Epidemiology and Prevention ProgramViral Immunology Systems ProgramYandamanjang First Nations Health Research Program Keywords Focus areas - Any -Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander healthCOVID-19 and emerging infectionsGlobal healthHIVHPVSexual healthViral hepatitis Research strengths - Any -Biostatistics, modelling and analysisCapacity buildingClinical trials and cohortsEpidemiology and surveillanceHealth economics and health systemsImmunovirologyNew diagnostic approachesPublic health interventionsSocial and behavioural sciences Status - Any -CurrentCompleted View more Sort by Earliest firstLatest firstTitle A - ZTitle Z - A Telehealth Experiences for Aboriginal people in sexual health (TEAS) Developing youth-centred health promotion strategies to prevent and mitigate the adverse health impacts of adolescent pregnancy Origins of epidemics Phylogeography of Emerging Infectious Diseases Talking Story: learning from Aboriginal young people about sexual health The SCALE-C Study Strategies for hepatitis C testing and treatment in Aboriginal communities that Lead to Elimination Community Deworming against Soil-Transmitted Helminths (CoDe-STH) Harnessing antibodies to treat COVID-19 Engineering monoclonal antibodies for COVID-19 protection and therapy Development of antiviral RNA therapeutics for COVID-19 treatment delivered via nanoparticle inhalation Understanding the role of community pharmacies and drug stores during the COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia Natural history cohort following SARS-CoV-2 infection COVID-19 modelling and risk analysis ADAPT Study Evolution of HIV The Blood Donor Survey BREATHE - mitigating airborne threats to health Enhance Walkabout A pilot project to improve sexual health engagement among young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Next page > Last page >>
Developing youth-centred health promotion strategies to prevent and mitigate the adverse health impacts of adolescent pregnancy
The SCALE-C Study Strategies for hepatitis C testing and treatment in Aboriginal communities that Lead to Elimination
Development of antiviral RNA therapeutics for COVID-19 treatment delivered via nanoparticle inhalation
Understanding the role of community pharmacies and drug stores during the COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia
Enhance Walkabout A pilot project to improve sexual health engagement among young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people