Research Groups have been formed within Programs, and are led by Group Leaders who are successful researchers (who are not Program Heads) but have demonstrated capacity for independent research leadership. They lead small to medium groups around a specific area of research.
Anal Cancer Prevention Research Group
Our group has been conducting anal cancer prevention research since 2010, providing pivotal data on the natural history of anal Human papillomavirus (HPV) and high grade squamous intra-epithelial lesions (HSIL).
Biobehavioural Prevention Research Group
The group undertakes research at the intersection of biomedical and behavioural approaches to preventing HIV transmission among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men and transgender women in Australia and the Asia-Pacific region.
Clinical, Experimental and Computational Immunology Group
The group applies frontier laboratory techniques in cellular and molecular biology to critical challenges in clinical medicine. Our current projects investigate respiratory sepsis caused by COVID-19 and other viral and bacterial pathogens.
Decentralised Diagnostics Implementation Research Group
Building on a decade of expertise, the group undertakes co-designed, multidisciplinary research to evaluate the feasibility, acceptability, impact, and economic costs associated with point-of-care testing for a range of infectious diseases.
Diagnostic Innovations Group
This collaborative program of research aims to accelerate equitable access to diagnostic tests and health care for all, with a particular focus on improving care for people who are marginalised or living in remote or resource-constrained settings.
Global Health Equity and Justice Research Group
We are an interdisciplinary group committed to decolonising global health while building a social public health system for a just and equitable response to public health challenges.
Global Health Trials Research Group
The group is a collaborative and multidisciplinary team of epidemiologists and social scientists conducting research in the Asia Pacific region.
Health Economics and Health Systems Research Group
The group undertakes research and training to enhance health system performance, improve health outcomes, and achieve greater value for public health resources.
Hepatitis C and Drug Use Research Group
The group undertakes internationally leading research to improve the health of people who use drugs, with a specific focus on hepatitis C infection.
Infection Epidemiology and Policy Analytics Group
The group uses multi-scale mathematical modelling to investigate the spread of infectious disease, focusing on disease spread both within a population and within an infected individual.
Integrated Data for Health Equity Research Group
The Group aims to innovatively address health inequities using integrated data and lead streamlined national data integration practices. The health domains of primary interest are cancers with an infectious aetiology and infectious diseases.
LGBTQ+ Population Health Research Group
This group conducts research that addresses the health and well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals and communities in Australia.
Maternal and Newborn Health in Low-Resource Settings Research Group
We are an interdisciplinary group committed to reducing adverse maternal and newborn health outcomes in high-burden, low-resource settings.
Mathematical Epidemiology and Evaluation Research Group
Our group uses mathematical modelling, data analysis, and other quantitative methods to investigate infectious disease dynamics at the population level.
Neglected Tropical Diseases Research Group
The focus of the group is to conduct research that can lead to the improvement of current strategies for control and elimination of neglected tropical diseases.
Translational Analytics Group
Our team works with clinical and experimental collaborators globally with the aim of translating between the immunological and therapeutic laboratory science to provide accurate, quantitative clinical insights.
Sexual Health and Reproductive Equity Research Group
The group aims to strengthen responses to gender, social justice, and sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Surveillance Innovation Group
The group focuses on developing and testing innovative methods to improve public health surveillance for infectious diseases, particularly blood-borne viruses, HIV and sexually transmissible infections.
Systematic Review and Data Synthesis Research Group
The group conducts systematic reviews to answer focused clinical and public health questions, particularly in the field of infectious diseases.
Vaccine Immunogenomics Group
The broad aim of the Vaccine Immunogenomics Group is to understand and characterise the human immune response to vaccination and viral infection.
Viral Immunity Group
The group is focused on understanding the host-pathogen interaction of human RNA viruses (hepatitis C, norovirus, dengue, influenza, SARS-CoV-2).
Viral Pathogenesis and Vector Laboratory
Using novel methods in molecular virology, our team studies the pathogenesis of viral infections spanning the basic science of viruses within the laboratory through to understanding the biology of viruses in the real world and in the face of the human immune response.