Binary data conceptual photo


The Pharmaco-AI Infectious Disease Surveillance (PHASE) project

The challenge

Infectious disease epidemics change and evolve over time. Infectious disease surveillance systems capable of rapid adaption to address shifting infection trends and disease burdens are critical to support health systems in Australia. However, a lack of national data linkage assets and difficulties in extracting useful information from administrative data sources has hindered development.

The project

The Pharmaco-AI Infectious Disease Surveillance (PHASE) project will enhance capabilities to monitor infectious diseases in Australia. PHASE harnesses recent advances in national data-linkage and artificial intelligence to develop novel analytic approaches and advanced infectious disease surveillance systems.

The method

PHASE utilizes the Person-Level Integrated Data Asset (PLIDA) that is held by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. PLIDA contains anonymized data of over 37 million people residing in Australia and is regularly updated. PHASE develops cutting-edge data science and artificial intelligence methodologies capable of deriving information from administrative data. PHASE will assess trends in viral, bacterial and fungal infections in Australia.

The results

PHASE will develop advanced predictive models to define infectious disease trends, assess the long-term health impacts of infections, and to evaluate health strategies and health service utilisation

The impact

PHASE represents a significant leap forward in infectious disease surveillance capabilities in Australia. The anticipated public benefit is substantial: timely and cost-effective infectious surveillance that will generate evidence to support health system planning.

Project collaborators
  • Queensland Digital Health Centre, UQ
  • Centre for Big Data Research in Health, UNSW
  • Australian Bureau of Statistics