Dr Skye McGregor is an epidemiologist whose work focuses on surveillance and prevention of sexually transmissible infections and blood borne viruses. She leads production of the national sexually transmissible infections and blood borne viruses annual surveillance reports for Australia. These reports provide a comprehensive analysis of HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmissible infections in Australia. Over the past 10 years Skye has also been involved in a number of important research projects at the Kirby Institute, including a cluster randomised trial of best practice STI care in remote Aboriginal communities, a community-based HIV knowledge and attitudes survey in culturally and linguistically diverse groups, a government-funded evaluation of the Australian HPV vaccination program, and a World Health Organization funded review of the global epidemiology and diseases associations of HTLV-1. She completed her PhD in 2015, which focused on research capacity building in low- and middle-income countries. Dr McGregor currently supervises five doctoral candidates and has supervised to completion a Master of Public Health student. She also has extensive experience in mentoring junior researchers both in Australia and internationally, in Cambodia and Indonesia.

Dr Skye McGregor
BSc, Biology
BA, History and Philosophy of Science
MA, Development Studies
PhD, Epidemiology
- Publications
- Engagement
- Area of Expertise
Journal articles
Conference Papers
Conference Abstracts
Conference Posters
Conference Presentations
In the media:
De Wit J, Dore G, Guy R, McGregor S. 14 September 2015. The Conversation Good news and bad in latest annual report on HIV, hepatitis and STI rates https://theconversation.com/good-news-and-bad-in-latest-annual-report-on-hiv-hepatitis-and-sti-rates-47407
McGregor S. 26 September 2018. The Feed SBS HIV in heterosexuals on the rise https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2022276824499948&id=242485789418468
McGregor S. 1 December 2020. ABC Radio National Breakfast Progress Continues of HIV Elimination https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/breakfast/progress-continues-on-hiv-elimination/12937272
McGregor S. 1 December 2020. ABC News 24 Lunchtime news
Area of Expertise
HIV; sexually transmissible infections; surveillance