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Research Fellow

Ms Qinglu Cheng

MSc, PhD

+61 (2) 9385 0550
Cheng Q; Fattah RA; Susilo D; Satrya A; Haemmerli M; Kosen S; Novitasari D; Puteri GC; Adawiyah E; Hayen A; Mills A; Tangcharoensathien V; Jan S; Thabrany H; Asante A; Wiseman V, 2025, 'Determinants of healthcare utilization under the Indonesian national health insurance system - a cross-sectional study', BMC health services research, 25, pp. 48,
Cheng Q; Hoad VC; Bentley P; Harley R; Schenberg K; Wiseman V, 2024, 'Optimal malarial screening strategy in Australian blood donors: A cost-effectiveness analysis', Vox Sanguinis, 119, pp. 936 - 944,
Cheng Q; Valerio H; Cunningham EB; Shih STF; Silk D; Conway A; Treloar C; Murray C; Henderson C; Amin J; Read P; Dore GJ; Grebely J; Bath N; Milat A; Dunlop A; Holden J; Leadbeatter K; Day E; Habraken N; Dawson O; Degenhardt L; Scott C; Tillakeratne S; Marks P; Jayasinghe I; Martinez M; Reid H; Gleeson V; Van Dyk J; Mercade GE; Marshall AD; Obeid S; Wheeler A; Hooshyar SH; Catlett B; Verich A; Erratt A; Wheeler A; Ezard N; Reid D; Gorton C; Hayllar J; Lam T; Datta P; Wade A; Spruce S; Cock V; Cornwell M; Zohrab K; Christmass M; Connelly C; Cooper A; Montebello M; Cherry R; Dyer J; Arawal S; Press E; Horasak N; Lewis R; Carthew A; Morris D; Donohue K; Griffiths K; Lana JD; Shin S; Graf C; Hampson A; Qian S; Brown D; Lautier A; Curran C; Burns C; Raidu R; Stolzenhein K; Brabender W; Somes K; Abram N; Turne R; Larter S; Goodberg F; Luksza J; Hall M; Hazelwood S; Ismay C; McClurg B; Mincham C; Barlow K; Hoskins A; Salisbury K; Markham J; Talmet J; Dunn S; Mitchell A; McKinnon A; Smyth F; Snell L; Laing E; Clark M; Dorigo J, 2024, 'Health-Related Quality of Life of People Who Inject Drugs: The Enhancing Treatment of Hepatitis C in Opioid Substitution Settings Engage Study', Value in Health, 27, pp. 216 - 225,
Cheng Q; Cunningham EB; Shih S; Amin J; Bruneau J; Artenie AA; Powis J; Litwin AH; Cooper C; Dalgard O; Hellard M; Bruggmann P; Marks P; Lacombe K; Stedman C; Read P; Hajarizadeh B; Dunlop AJ; Conway B; Feld JJ; Dore GJ; Grebely J; Dore G; Crawford S; Swan T; Byrne J; Coordinating Centre—Amanda Erratt ML; Marks P; Shaw I; Siriragavan S; Quiene S; Petoumenos K; Schmid P; Castro E; Moriggia A; Daulouede JP; Fraser C; Feld J; Gane E; Matthews G; Kronborg I; Shaw D; Norton B; Thurnheer MC; Weltman M; Dillon J; Kessler S; Knapp C; Oprandi L; Messina P; Pantic M; Le Cam M; Maitre C; Andreassen J; Melkeraaen I; Tollefsen MM; Pagarigan H; Milne R; Mason K; Kaznowski D; Zou L; Bouchard R; Kotsoros B; Muir M; Milloy J; Oliver V; Noonan T; Sevehon A; Hazelwood S; Hall M; Hagenauer M; Liddle R; Ferguson C; Agyemang L; Patel H; Soloway I; Cerocchi O; Lacalamita M; Fragomeli V; Gilliver R; Lothian R; Cleary S; Johnston L; Middleton S; D'Amico R; McGovern B; Anderson J; Zhong Z; Keane F; Tatsch F; Brainard D; McHutchison J, 2023, 'Patient-Reported Outcomes During and After Hepatitis C Virus Direct-Acting Antiviral Treatment Among People Who Inject Drugs', Value in Health, 26, pp. 883 - 892,
Zhang Y; Carter HE; Lazzarini PA; Cramb S; Pacella R; van Netten JJ; Cheng Q; Derhy PH; Kinnear EM; McPhail SM, 2023, 'Cost-effectiveness of guideline-based care provision for patients with diabetes-related foot ulcers: A modelled analysis using discrete event simulation', Diabetic Medicine, 40,
Asante A; Cheng Q; Susilo D; Satrya A; Haemmerli M; Fattah RA; Kosen S; Novitasari D; Puteri GC; Adawiyah E; Hayen A; Mills A; Tangcharoensathien V; Jan S; Thabrany H; Wiseman V, 2023, 'The benefits and burden of health financing in Indonesia: analyses of nationally representative cross-sectional data', The Lancet Global Health, 11, pp. e770 - e780,
Cheng Q; Poynten IM; Jin F; Grulich A; Ong JJ; Hillman RJ; Hruby G; Howard K; Newall A; Boettiger DC, 2023, 'Cost-effectiveness of screening and treating anal pre-cancerous lesions among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men living with HIV', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 32,
Cheng Q; Hoad VC; Roy Choudhury A; Seed CR; Bentley P; Shih STF; Kwon JA; Gray RT; Wiseman V, 2023, 'Removing hepatitis C antibody testing for Australian blood donations: A cost-effectiveness analysis', Vox Sanguinis, 118, pp. 471 - 479,
Shih STF; Cheng Q; Carson J; Valerio H; Sheehan Y; Gray RT; Cunningham EB; Kwon JA; Lloyd AR; Dore GJ; Wiseman V; Grebely J, 2023, 'Optimizing point-of-care testing strategies for diagnosis and treatment of hepatitis C virus infection in Australia: a model-based cost-effectiveness analysis', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 36,
Cheng Q; Bajis S; Cunningham E; Shih STF; Schulz M; Marshall AD; Martin NK; Miners A; Hajarizadeh B; Wiseman V; Dore GJ; Grebely J, 2023, 'Health-related quality of life among people who inject drugs in Australia', Quality of Life Research, 32, pp. 3195 - 3207,
Cheng Q; Poynten IM; Jin F; Grulich A; Ong JJ; Hillman RJ; Hruby G; Howard K; Newall AT; Boettiger DC, 2023, 'Cost-effectiveness of treating serendipitously diagnosed anal pre-cancerous lesions among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men living with HIV', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 37,
Fattah RA; Cheng Q; Thabrany H; Susilo D; Satrya A; Haemmerli M; Kosen S; Novitasari D; Puteri GC; Adawiyah E; Hayen A; Gilson L; Mills A; Tangcharoensathien V; Jan S; Asante A; Wiseman V, 2023, 'Incidence of catastrophic health spending in Indonesia: insights from a Household Panel Study 2018–2019', International Journal for Equity in Health, 22,
Cheng Q; Dang T; Nguyen TA; Velen K; Nguyen VN; Nguyen BH; Vu DH; Long CH; Do TT; Vu TM; Marks GB; Yapa M; Fox GJ; Wiseman V, 2023, 'MHealth application for improving treatment outcomes for patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Vietnam: An economic evaluation protocol for the V-SMART trial', BMJ Open, 13,
Hoad V; Cheng Q; Bentley P; Seed C; Harley R; Wiseman V; Gosbell I; Schenberg K, 2023, 'Optimizing Donor Malaria Management in Australia Using a Risk and Cost Effectiveness Analysis', TRANSFUSION, 63, pp. 131A - 132A,
Zhang Y; Cramb S; McPhail SM; Pacella R; van Netten JJ; Cheng Q; Derhy PH; Kinnear EM; Lazzarini PA, 2022, 'Multiple factors predict longer and shorter time-to-ulcer-free in people with diabetes-related foot ulcers: Survival analyses of a large prospective cohort followed-up for 24-months', Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 185,
Cheng Q; Asante A; Susilo D; Satrya A; Man N; Fattah RA; Haemmerli M; Kosen S; Novitasari D; Puteri GC; Adawiyah E; Hayen A; Gilson L; Mills A; Tangcharoensathien V; Jan S; Thabrany H; Wiseman V, 2022, 'Equity of health financing in Indonesia: A 5-year financing incidence analysis (2015–2019)', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 21,
Jadambaa A; Graves N; Cross D; Pacella R; Thomas HJ; Scott JG; Cheng Q; Brain D, 2022, 'Economic Evaluation of an Intervention Designed to Reduce Bullying in Australian Schools', Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 20, pp. 79 - 89,
Haemmerli M; Asante A; Susilo D; Satrya A; Fattah RA; Cheng Q; Kosen S; Novitasari D; Puteri GC; Adawiyah E; Hayen A; Gilson L; Mills A; Tangcharoensathien V; Jan S; Thabrany H; Wiseman V, 2022, 'Using measures of quality of care to assess equity in health care funding for primary care: analysis of Indonesian household data', BMC Health Services Research, 22,
Zhang Y; Cramb S; McPhail SM; Pacella R; van Netten JJ; Cheng Q; Derhy PH; Kinnear EM; Lazzarini PA, 2021, 'Factors associated with healing of diabetes-related foot ulcers: Observations from a large prospective real-world cohort', Diabetes Care, 44, pp. e143 - e145,
Zhang Y; van Netten JJ; Baba M; Cheng Q; Pacella R; McPhail SM; Cramb S; Lazzarini PA, 2021, 'Diabetes-related foot disease in Australia: a systematic review of the prevalence and incidence of risk factors, disease and amputation in Australian populations', Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 14,
Zhang Y; Carter H; Lazzarini P; Cramb S; Pacella R; Netten JV; Cheng Q; Derhy P; Kinnear E; McPhail S, 2021, '1505Cost-effectiveness of guideline-based care for diabetes-related foot ulcers: using discrete event simulation in economic evaluation', International Journal of Epidemiology, 50,
Zhang Y; Cramb S; McPhail S; Pacella R; van Netten J; Cheng Q; Derhy P; Kinnear E; Lazzarini P, 2021, '1506Flexible parametric survival models investigating factors associated with diabetes-related foot ulcer time-to-healing', International Journal of Epidemiology, 50,
Pacella RE; Tulleners R; McCosker L; Cheng Q; Harding K; Edwards H; Yelland S; Dyer A; McGuiness W; Graves N, 2019, 'Reimbursement for the cost of compression therapy for the management of venous leg ulcers in Australia', International Wound Journal, 16, pp. 1069 - 1072,
Brain D; Tulleners R; Lee X; Cheng Q; Graves N; Pacella R, 2019, 'Cost-effectiveness analysis of an innovative model of care for chronic wounds patients', PLoS ONE, 14,
Tulleners R; Brain D; Lee X; Cheng Q; Graves N; Pacella RE, 2019, 'Health benefits of an innovative model of care for chronic wounds patients in Queensland', International Wound Journal, 16, pp. 334 - 342,
McCosker L; Tulleners R; Cheng Q; Rohmer S; Pacella T; Graves N; Pacella R, 2019, 'Chronic wounds in Australia: A systematic review of key epidemiological and clinical parameters', International Wound Journal, 16, pp. 84 - 95,
Barnsbee L; Cheng Q; Tulleners R; Lee X; Brain D; Pacella R, 2019, 'Measuring costs and quality of life for venous leg ulcers', International Wound Journal, 16, pp. 112 - 121,
Cheng Q; Kularatna S; Lee XJ; Graves N; Pacella RE, 2019, 'Comparison of EQ-5D-5L and SPVU-5D for measuring quality of life in patients with venous leg ulcers in an Australian setting', Quality of Life Research, 28, pp. 1903 - 1911,
Cheng Q; Gibb M; Graves N; Finlayson K; Pacella RE, 2018, 'Cost-effectiveness analysis of guideline-based optimal care for venous leg ulcers in Australia', BMC Health Services Research, 18,
Cheng Q; Graves N; Pacella RE, 2018, 'Comparison of EQ-5D-5L and SPVU-5D for Measuring Quality of Life Among Patients with Venous Leg Ulcers', Value in Health, 21, pp. S91 - S91,
Cheng Q; Graves N; Pacella RE, 2018, 'Economic Evaluations of Guideline-Based Care for Chronic Wounds: a Systematic Review', Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 16, pp. 633 - 651,
Cheng Q; Kinner SA; Lee XJ; Snow KJ; Graves N, 2018, 'Cost-utility analysis of low-intensity case management to increase contact with health services among ex-prisoners in Australia', BMJ Open, 8,
Pacella RE; Tulleners R; Cheng Q; Burkett E; Edwards H; Yelland S; Brain D; Bingley J; Lazzarini P; Warnock J; Barnsbee L; Pacella T; Clark K; Smith M; Griffiths I; Sussman G; van Netten J; Gibb M; Gordon J; Harvey G; Hickling D; Lee X; Ploderer B; Vallejo A; Whalley S; Graves N, 2018, 'Solutions to the chronic wounds problem in Australia: a call to action', WOUND PRACTICE AND RESEARCH, 26, pp. 84 - 98
Cheng Q; Lazzarini PA; Gibb M; Derhy PH; Kinnear EM; Burn E; Graves N; Norman RE, 2017, 'A cost-effectiveness analysis of optimal care for diabetic foot ulcers in Australia', International Wound Journal, 14, pp. 616 - 628,
Mathews B; Bromfield L; Walsh K; Cheng Q; Norman RE, 2017, 'Reports of child sexual abuse of boys and girls: Longitudinal trends over a 20-year period in Victoria, Australia', Child Abuse and Neglect, 66, pp. 9 - 22,
Graves N; Wloch C; Wilson J; Barnett A; Sutton A; Cooper N; Merollini K; McCreanor V; Cheng Q; Burn E; Lamagni T; Charlett A, 2016, 'A cost-effectiveness modelling study of strategies to reduce risk of infection following primary hip replacement based on a systematic review', Health Technology Assessment, 20, pp. 1 - 144,
Cheng Q; Greenslade JH; Parsonage WA; Barnett AG; Merollini K; Graves N; Peacock WF; Cullen L, 2016, 'Change to costs and lengths of stay in the emergency department and the Brisbane protocol: An observational study', BMJ Open, 6,
Norman RE; Gibb M; Dyer A; Prentice J; Yelland S; Cheng Q; Lazzarini PA; Carville K; Innes-Walker K; Finlayson K; Edwards H; Burn E; Graves N, 2016, 'Improved wound management at lower cost: A sensible goal for Australia', International Wound Journal, 13, pp. 303 - 316,
Cheng Q; Church J; Haas M; Goodall S; Sangster J; Furber S, 2016, 'Cost-effectiveness of a Population-based Lifestyle Intervention to Promote Healthy Weight and Physical Activity in Non-attenders of Cardiac Rehabilitation', Heart Lung and Circulation, 25, pp. 265 - 274,
Cheng Q; Church J; Haas M; Goodall S; Sangster J; Furber S, 2015, 'Cost-effectiveness of a Population-based Lifestyle Intervention to Promote Healthy Weight and Physical Activity in Non-attenders of Cardiac Rehabilitation', Heart Lung and Circulation,
Zhang Y; Cramb S; McPhail S; Pacella R; van Netten J; Cheng Q; Derhy P; Kinnear E; Lazzarini P, 2021, 'Flexible parametric survival models investigating factors associated with diabetes-related foot ulcer time-to-healing', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY, OXFORD UNIV PRESS
Zhang Y; Carter H; Lazzarini P; Cramb S; Pacella R; van Netten J; Cheng Q; Derhy P; Kinnear E; McPhail S, 2021, 'Cost-effectiveness of guideline-based care for diabetes-related foot ulcers: using discrete event simulation in economic evaluation', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY, OXFORD UNIV PRESS, pp. 266 - 266
Shih STF; Cheng Q; Carson J; Valerio H; Sheehan Y; Gray RT; Cunningham EB; Kwon J; Lloyd AR; Dore GJ; Wiseman V; Grebely J, Optimizing Point-of-Care Testing Strategies for Diagnosis and Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Australia: A Model-Based Cost-Effectiveness Analysis,
Shih STF; Cheng Q; Carson J; Valerio H; Sheehan Y; Gray RT; Cunningham EB; Kwon J; Lloyd AR; Dore GJ; Wiseman V; Grebely J, Optimizing Point-of-Care Testing Strategies for Diagnosis and Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Australia: A Model-Based Cost-Effectiveness Analysis,