Marianne Martinello is an infectious diseases physician at Prince of Wales Hospital and St Vincent’s Correctional Health, a senior research fellow in the Viral Hepatitis Clinical Research Program at the Kirby Institute, and an NHMRC Early Career Fellow. As a clinician-researcher, she aims to optimise the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of infectious diseases, particularly blood-borne viruses among vulnerable populations. Her research on direct-acting antiviral therapy in people with HCV infection is internationally recognised and has impacted policy and practice.

- Publications
Journal articles
Mazigi O; Langley DB; Henry JY; Burnett DL; Sobti M; Walker GJ; Rouet R; Balachandran H; Lenthall H; Jackson J; Ubiparipovic S; Schofield P; Brown SHJ; Schulz SR; Hoffmann M; Pöhlmann S; Post J; Martinello M; Ahlenstiel G; Kelleher A; Rawlinson WD; Turville SG; Bull RA; Stewart AG; Jäck HM; Goodnow CC; Christ D, 2025, 'Affinity maturation endows potent activity onto class 6 SARS-CoV-2 broadly neutralizing antibodies', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 122,
Hajarizadeh B; Carson JM; Byrne M; Grebely J; Cunningham E; Amin J; Vickerman P; Martin NK; Treloar C; Martinello M; Lloyd AR; Dore GJ, 2024, 'Incidence of hepatitis C virus infection in the prison setting: The SToP-C study', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 31, pp. 21 - 34,
Lafferty L; Beadman M; Ward J; Flynn E; Hosseini-Hooshyar S; Martinello M; Treloar C, 2024, 'Patient and healthcare provider perceptions of acceptability of fingerstick point-of-care hepatitis C testing at Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services in Australia', International Journal of Drug Policy, 125,
Bin Usman Shah SH; Alavi M; Hajarizadeh B; Matthews GV; Martinello M; Danta M; Amin J; Law MG; George J; Valerio H; Dore GJ, 2024, 'Corrigendum to “Trends in decompensated cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma among people with a hepatitis B notification in New South Wales” [JHEP Reports 4 (2022)] (JHEP Reports (2022) 4(10), (S2589555922001240), (10.1016/j.jhepr.2022.100552))', JHEP Reports, 6,
Sacks-Davis R; van Santen DK; Boyd A; Young J; Stewart A; Doyle JS; Rauch A; Mugglin C; Klein M; van der Valk M; Smit C; Jarrin I; Berenguer J; Lacombe K; Requena MB; Wittkop L; Leleux O; Bonnet F; Salmon D; Matthews GV; Guy R; Martin NK; Spelman T; Prins M; Stoove M; Hellard M; Ke T; Zhang Y; Pedrana A; Asselin J; Dawe J; Wilkinson A; Schinkel J; Sogni P; Esterle L; Gilbert C; Merchadou L; Gillet S; Khan C; Le Marec F; Perrier A; Shaw I; Martinello M; Applegate T; Carson J; Harney B; Bryant M; Jarrin Vera I; Alejos B; Lazarus JV; Moreno C; Izquierdo R; Rava M; Wang S; Lumia J; Pexos C; Peiris H; Saeed S; Moodie E; Pick N; Conway B; Hull M; Wong A; Gill J; Barrett L; Cohen J; Cox J; Cote P; Haider S; Rouleau D; Vachon ML; Rachlis A; Sandre R; Walmsley S; Sadr A; Cooper C; Sanche S; Salazar-Viscaya L; Kusejko K; Hage K; Requena MB; Girard PM; Brucker M; Vincensini JP, 2024, 'Changes in incidence of hepatitis C virus reinfection and access to direct-acting antiviral therapies in people with HIV from six countries, 2010–19: an analysis of data from a consortium of prospective cohort studies', The Lancet HIV, 11, pp. e106 - e116,
Valerio H; Marshall AD; Conway A; Treloar C; Carter L; Martinello M; Henderson C; Amin J; Read P; Silk D; Degenhardt L; Prain B; Alavi M; Dore GJ; Grebely J, 2024, 'Factors associated with hepatitis C testing, treatment, and current hepatitis C infection among men and women who inject drugs: The ETHOS engage study', International Journal of Drug Policy, 127,
Farooq A; Valerio H; Wheeler A; Martinello M; Henderson C; Silk D; Degenhardt L; Read P; Dore GJ; Grebely J; Cunningham EB, 2024, 'Needle and syringe sharing among people who have recently injected drugs in Australia: The ETHOS Engage Study', Drug and Alcohol Review, 43, pp. 1019 - 1028,
Broady TR; Valerio H; Alavi M; Wheeler A; Silk D; Martinello M; Conway A; Milat A; Dunlop A; Murray C; Henderson C; Amin J; Read P; Marks P; Degenhardt L; Stevens A; Prain B; Hayllar J; Reid D; Montebello M; Wade A; Christmass M; Cock V; Dore GJ; Treloar C; Grebely J, 2024, 'Factors associated with experiencing stigma, discrimination, and negative health care treatment among people who inject drugs', International Journal of Drug Policy, 128,
Elliott S; Flynn E; Mathew S; Hajarizadeh B; Martinello M; Wand H; Ward J, 2024, 'Prevalence of hepatitis C virus exposure and infection among Indigenous and tribal populations: a global systematic review and meta-analysis', Public Health, 233, pp. 65 - 73,
Ryan H; Dore GJ; Grebely J; Byrne M; Cunningham EB; Martinello M; Lloyd AR; Hajarizadeh B, 2024, 'Hepatitis C treatment outcome among people in prison: The SToP-C study', Liver International, 44, pp. 2996 - 3007,
Martinello M; Matthews GV, 2024, 'Reinfection after Hepatitis C Virus Treatment - Keep Testing, Keep Treating', JAMA Network Open, 7, pp. e2430290,
Tillakeratne S; Pearson SA; Alavi M; Hajarizadeh B; Martinello M; Law M; George J; Amin J; Matthews G; Grebely J; Dore GJ; Valerio H, 2024, 'Trends in viral hepatitis liver-related morbidity and mortality in New South Wales, Australia', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 51,
Martinello M; Carson JM; Post JJ; Finlayson R; Baker D; Read P; Shaw D; Bloch M; Doyle J; Hellard M; Filep E; Hosseini-Hooshyar S; Dore GJ; Matthews GV, 2024, 'Control and Elimination of Hepatitis C Virus Among People With HIV in Australia: Extended Follow-up of the CEASE Cohort (2014-2023)', Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 11,
Applegate TL; Causer LM; Gow I; Alternetti N; Anderson L; Borgnolo B; Cooney L; Cunningham P; Fernando M; Hengel B; Huang RL; Kayago K; King JM; Lew HJ; Martinello M; Milic M; Miller K; O’Connor S; Patel P; Phillips E; Rawlinson W; Sharma A; Shephard MDS; Tangey A; Smith K; Williams AL; Andrewartha K; Guy R; Matthews SJ, 2024, 'Paving the way for quality assured, decentralised point-of-care testing for infectious disease in primary care - Real world lessons from remote Australia', Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics,
Jessica HB; Carson J; Scott M; Patricia C; Nelson R; Helen VG; Phillip R; Hanson J; Robert M; Matthews G; Dore GJ; Martinello M; Read P, 2023, 'Effectiveness of direct-acting antiviral therapy among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples with HCV infection in Australia: A national real-world cohort (REACH-C)', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 30, pp. 386 - 396,
Gulholm T; Kim MG; Lennard K; Mirdad F; Overton K; Martinello M; Maley MW; Konecny P; Andresen D; Post JJ, 2023, 'Clinical variation in the early assessment and management of suspected community-acquired meningitis: a multicentre retrospective study', Internal Medicine Journal, 53, pp. 2298 - 2306,
Gupta M; Balachandran H; Louie RHY; Li H; Agapiou D; Keoshkerian E; Christ D; Rawlinson W; Mina MM; Post JJ; Hudson B; Gilroy N; Konecny P; Bartlett AW; Sasson SC; Ahlenstiel G; Dwyer D; Lloyd AR; Martinello M; Luciani F; Bull RA, 2023, 'High activation levels maintained in receptor-binding domain–specific memory B cells in people with severe coronavirus disease 2019', Immunology and Cell Biology, 101, pp. 142 - 155,
Casey JL; Dore GJ; Grebely J; Matthews GV; Cherepanov V; Martinello M; Marks P; Janssen HLA; Hansen BE; Kaul R; MacParland SA; Gehring AJ; Feld JJ, 2023, 'Hepatitis C virus-specific immune responses following direct-acting antivirals administered during recent hepatitis C virus infection', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 30, pp. 64 - 72,
Rouet R; Henry JY; Johansen MD; Sobti M; Balachandran H; Langley DB; Walker GJ; Lenthall H; Jackson J; Ubiparipovic S; Mazigi O; Schofield P; Burnett DL; Brown SHJ; Martinello M; Hudson B; Gilroy N; Post JJ; Kelleher A; Jäck HM; Goodnow CC; Turville SG; Rawlinson WD; Bull RA; Stewart AG; Hansbro PM; Christ D, 2023, 'Broadly neutralizing SARS-CoV-2 antibodies through epitope-based selection from convalescent patients', Nature Communications, 14,
Isfordink CJ; Boyd A; Sacks-Davis R; van Santen DK; Smit C; Martinello M; Stoove M; Berenguer J; Wittkop L; Klein MB; Rauch A; Salmon D; Lacombe K; Stewart A; Schinkel J; Doyle JS; Hellard M; van der Valk M; Matthews GV, 2023, 'Reasons for not commencing direct-acting antiviral treatment despite unrestricted access for individuals with HIV and hepatitis C virus: a multinational, prospective cohort study', The Lancet Public Health, 8, pp. e294 - e304,
Marshall AD; Martinello M; Zolopa C; Treloar C; Larney S, 2023, 'Universal hepatitis C virus screening and treatment as part of prenatal care', The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 8, pp. 295 - 297,
Duette G; Lee E; Gomes GMC; Tungatt K; Doyle C; Stylianou VV; Lee A; Maddocks S; Taylor J; Khanna R; Bull RA; Martinello M; Sandgren KJ; Cunningham AL; Palmer S, 2023, 'Highly Networked SARS-CoV-2 Peptides Elicit T Cell Responses with Enhanced Specificity', ImmunoHorizons, 7, pp. 508 - 527,
Anagnostou N; Archuleta S; Athan E; Barina L; Best E; Bloomfield M; Bostock J; Botheras C; Bowen A; Britton P; Burden H; Campbell A; Carter H; Cheng M; Chew KL; Chong IRLM; Coombs G; Daley P; Daneman N; Davies J; Davis J; Dishon-Benattar Y; Dotel R; Dunlop A; Flack F; Flanagan K; Foo H; Ghanem-Zoubi N; Giulieri S; Goodman A; Grant J; Gregson D; Guy S; Gwee A; Hardy E; Henderson A; Heriot G; Howden B; Hudson F; Johnstone J; Kalimuddin S; de Kretser D; Kwa A; Lee T; Legg A; Lewis R; Llewelyn M; Lumley T; Lye D; MacFadden D; Mahar R; Malhame I; Marks M; Marsh J; Martinello M; Matthews G; McArthur C; McGlothlin A; McKew G; McMullan B; McQuilten Z; Milliken E; Mora J; Morpeth S; Murthy S; Nourse C; O'Sullivan M; Paterson D; Paul M; Petersiel N; Petrella L; Pett S; Price D; Roberts J; Robinson JO; Rogers B; Saville B; Scarborough M; Scheetz M; Scheuerman O; Schwartz K; Smith S; Snelling T; Soares M; Sommerville C; Stewardson A; Stone N; Sud A; Tilley R; Tong S; Turner R; Underwood J; van Hal S; Voss L; Walls G; Webb R; Webb S; Whiteway L; Wilson H; Wuerz T; Yahav D, 2023, 'The Staphylococcus aureus Network Adaptive Platform Trial Protocol: New Tools for an Old Foe (vol 75, pg 2027, 2022)', CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES,
Koopsen J; Matthews G; Rockstroh J; Applegate TL; Bhagani S; Rauch A; Grebely J; Sacks-Davis R; Ingiliz P; Boesecke C; Rebers S; Feld J; Bruneau J; Martinello M; Hellard M; Dore GJ; Schinkel J; van der Valk M; Adams T; Amjad S; Appelhans C; Becker B; Bouchard R; Braun D; Bruelisauer C; Calcagnile S; Carroll A; Cerocchi O; Chronister K; Cordes C; Dore G; Evans F; Fedele S; Ferguson C; Fraser C; Ganase B; Gane E; George V; Gerlach C; Gilleece Y; Gilliver R; Grube C; Gustafson J; Haas A; Hagenauer M; Harris M; Helder J; Hirter D; Hull M; Katz S; Kim A; Kotsoros B; Lacalamita M; Lindergard G; Lutz T; Macabodbod L; Manz M; Marks P; Messina P; Mohrmann K; Monnich C; Moon J; Moriggia A; Morris G; Morrish T; Nelson M; Oliver V; Patterson J; Peters M; Petoumenos K; Porretta H; Raymode P; Read P; Reece S; Saidi A; Sasadeusz J; Scherler P; Schröder R; Selfridge M; Sevehon A; Shaw D; Sulkowski M; Tamaddoni M; Thunder O; Thurnheer MC; Tu E; Ustianowski A; Witele E, 2023, 'Hepatitis C virus transmission between eight high-income countries among men who have sex with men: a whole-genome analysis', The Lancet Microbe, 4, pp. e622 - e631,
Martinello M; Bhagani S; Shaw D; Orkin C; Cooke G; Gane E; Iser D; Ustianowski A; Kulasegaram R; Stedman C; Tu E; Grebely J; Dore GJ; Nelson M; Matthews GV, 2023, 'Glecaprevir-pibrentasvir for 4 weeks among people with recent HCV infection: The TARGET3D study', JHEP Reports, 5,
Hobday S; Valerio H; Combo T; Monaghan R; Scott C; Silk D; Murray C; Read P; Henderson C; Degenhardt L; Treloar C; Dore GJ; Grebely J; Martinello M, 2023, 'Evaluating the prevalence of current hepatitis C infection and treatment among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who inject drugs in Australia: The ETHOS engage study', Drug and Alcohol Review, 42, pp. 1617 - 1632,
Martinello M; Naggie S; Rockstroh JK; Matthews GV, 2023, 'Direct-Acting Antiviral Therapy for Treatment of Acute and Recent Hepatitis C Virus Infection: A Narrative Review', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 77, pp. S238 - S244,
Barrios MH; Nicholson S; Bull RA; Martinello M; Rawlinson W; Mina M; Post JJ; Hudson B; Gilroy N; Lloyd AR; Konecny P; Mordant F; Catton M; Subbarao K; Caly L; Druce J; Netter HJ, 2023, 'Comparative Longitudinal Serological Study of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Profiles in People with COVID-19', Microorganisms, 11, pp. 1985,
Baird S; Ashley CL; Marsh-Wakefield F; Alca S; Ashhurst TM; Ferguson AL; Lukeman H; Counoupas C; Post JJ; Konecny P; Bartlett A; Martinello M; Bull RA; Lloyd A; Grey A; Hutchings O; Palendira U; Britton WJ; Steain M; Triccas JA, 2023, 'A unique cytotoxic CD4+ T cell-signature defines critical COVID-19', Clinical and Translational Immunology, 12, pp. e1463,
Martinello M; Carson JM; Van Der Valk M; Rockstroh JK; Ingiliz P; Hellard M; Nelson M; Lutz T; Bhagani S; Kim AY; Hull M; Cordes C; Moon J; Feld JJ; Gane E; Rauch A; Bruneau J; Tu E; Applegate T; Grebely J; Dore GJ; Matthews GV, 2023, 'Reinfection incidence and risk among people treated for recent hepatitis C virus infection', AIDS, 37, pp. 1883 - 1890,
Martinello M; Solomon SS; Terrault NA; Dore GJ, 2023, 'Hepatitis C', The Lancet, 402, pp. 1085 - 1096,
Hage K; van de Kerkhof M; Boyd A; Carson JM; Newsum AM; Matser A; van der Valk M; Brinkman K; Arends JE; Lauw FN; Rijnders BJA; van Eeden A; Martinello M; Matthews GV; Schinkel J; Prins M, 2023, 'Screening for Hepatitis C Virus Reinfection Using a Behaviour-Based Risk Score among Men Who Have Sex with Men with HIV: Results from a Case–Control Diagnostic Validation Study', Pathogens, 12, pp. 1248,
Smith MZ; Turner M; Haurat J; Thevarajan I; Denholm J; Tong SY; Matthews GV; Bull RA; Martinello M; McMahon J; Imrie A; Pillai PE, 2023, 'The APPRISE Virtual Biobank for Infectious Diseases', Communicable diseases intelligence (2018), 47,
Carson JM; Barbieri S; Cunningham E; Mao E; van der Valk M; Rockstroh JK; Hellard M; Kim A; Bhagani S; Feld JJ; Gane E; Thurnheer MC; Bruneau J; Tu E; Dore GJ; Matthews GV; Martinello M, 2023, 'Sexual and drug use risk behaviour trajectories among people treated for recent HCV infection: the REACT study', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 26, pp. e26168,
Balachandran H; Phetsouphanh C; Agapiou D; Adhikari A; Rodrigo C; Hammoud M; Shrestha LB; Keoshkerian E; Gupta M; Turville S; Christ D; King C; Sasson SC; Bartlett A; Grubor-Bauk B; Rawlinson W; Aggarwal A; Stella AO; Klemm V; Mina MM; Post JJ; Hudson B; Gilroy N; Konecny P; Ahlenstiel G; Dwyer DE; Sorrell TC; Kelleher A; Tedla N; Lloyd AR; Martinello M; Bull RA, 2022, 'Maintenance of broad neutralizing antibodies and memory B cells 1 year post-infection is predicted by SARS-CoV-2-specific CD4+ T cell responses', Cell Reports, 38, pp. 110345,
Legrand N; McGregor S; Bull R; Bajis S; Valencia BM; Ronnachit A; Einsiedel L; Gessain A; Kaldor J; Martinello M, 2022, 'Clinical and Public Health Implications of Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Type 1 Infection', Clinical Microbiology Reviews, 35,
Valerio H; Alavi M; Conway A; Silk D; Treloar C; Martinello M; Milat A; Dunlop A; Murray C; Henderson C; Amin J; Read P; Marks P; Degenhardt L; Stevens A; Prain B; Hayllar J; Reid D; Montebello M; Wade A; Christmass M; Cock V; Dore GJ; Grebely J; ETHOS Engage Study Group , 2022, 'Declining prevalence of current HCV infection and increased treatment uptake among people who inject drugs: The ETHOS Engage study.', Int J Drug Policy, 105, pp. 103706,
Kim KW; Wang X; Adhikari A; Yeang M; Jenkins F; Naing Z; Walker GJ; Foster CSP; Stelzer-Braid S; Deveson I; Craig ME; Tedla N; Bull RA; Martinello M; Pinto AN; Chan R; Turville S; Rawlinson WD; van Hal S, 2022, 'Persistent high-level shedding of cultivable SARS-CoV-2 Delta virus 33 days after onset of COVID-19 in a hospitalized patient with pneumonia', Journal of Medical Virology, 94, pp. 4043 - 4046,
Yee J; Carson JM; Hajarizadeh B; Hanson J; O’Beirne J; Iser D; Read P; Balcomb A; Doyle JS; Davies J; Martinello M; Marks P; Dore GJ; Matthews GV; Hanson J; Marks P; Byrne M; Post J; Batey R; Smart J; Dawson O; Hill S; Douglas M; Montebello M; Collie P; Hallinan R; Snelgar G; Baker D; Galhenage S; Soo TM; Bopage R; Faros J; Cooper L; Nelson R; Shaw D; Davies J; Wilson M; Pratt W; Hinton S; Wade A; Van Gessel H; Davidson L; Dibdin M; Lucas M; Ahmad R; Smith D; Tan K; Roder C; Harney B; Holdaway S; Walsh J; Fox P; Mousavi R; Lam W; Dahal RP; Habel P; Gilliver R; Silins E; Ackerman J; Deacon R; Hall E; Everson A; Milner M; Ferguson C; Tate-Baker J; Bradshaw J; Duncan G; Baluran G; Watson B; Hey C; Hickey R; Orme C; Miczkova S, 2022, 'High Effectiveness of Broad Access Direct-Acting Antiviral Therapy for Hepatitis C in an Australian Real-World Cohort: The REACH-C Study', Hepatology Communications, 6, pp. 496 - 512,
Howe AYM; Rodrigo C; Cunningham EB; Douglas MW; Dietz J; Grebely J; Popping S; Sfalcin JA; Parczewski M; Sarrazin C; de Salazar A; Fuentes A; Sayan M; Quer J; Kjellin M; Kileng H; Mor O; Lennerstrand J; Fourati S; Di Maio VC; Chulanov V; Pawlotsky JM; Harrigan PR; Ceccherini-Silberstein F; Garcia F; Martinello M; Matthews G; Fernando FF; Esteban JI; Müllhaupt B; Wiesch JSZ; Buggisch P; Neumann-Haefelin C; Berg T; Berg CP; Schattenberg JM; Moreno C; Stauber R; Lloyd A; Dore G; Applegate T; Ignacio J; Garcia-Cehic D; Gregori J; Rodriguez-Frias F; Rando A; Gozlan Y; Angelico M; Andreoni M; Babudieri S; Bertoli A; Cento V; Coppola N; Craxì A; Paolucci S; Parruti G; Pasquazzi C; Perno CF; Teti E; Vironet C; Lannergård A; Duberg AS; Aleman S; Gutteberg T; Soulier A; Gourgeon A; Chevaliez S; Pol S; Carrat F; Salmon D; Kaiser R; Knopes E; Gomes P; de Kneght R; Rijnders B; Poljak M; Lunar M; Usubillaga R; Seguin_Devaux C; Tay E; Wilson C; Wang DS; George J; Kok J; Pérez AB; Chueca N; García-Deltoro M; Martínez-Sapiña AM; Lara-Pérez MM; García-Bujalance S; Aldámiz-Echevarría T; Vera-Méndez FJ; Pineda JA; Casado M; Pascasio JM; Salmerón J; Alados-Arboledas JC; Poyato A; Téllez F; Rivero-Juárez A, 2022, 'Characteristics of hepatitis C virus resistance in an international cohort after a decade of direct-acting antivirals', JHEP Reports, 4, pp. 100462,
Carson JM; Dore GJ; Lloyd AR; Grebely J; Byrne M; Cunningham E; Amin J; Vickerman P; Martin NK; Treloar C; Martinello M; Matthews GV; Hajarizadeh B, 2022, 'Hepatitis C Virus Reinfection Following Direct-Acting Antiviral Treatment in the Prison Setting: The SToP-C Study', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 75, pp. 1809 - 1819,
Hosseini-Hooshyar S; Alavi M; Martinello M; Valerio H; Tillakeratne S; Matthews GV; Dore GJ, 2022, 'Evaluation of the hepatitis C cascade of care among people living with HIV in New South Wales, Australia: A data linkage study', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 29, pp. 271 - 279,
Hosseini-Hooshyar S; Hajarizadeh B; Bajis S; Law M; Janjua NZ; Fierer DS; Chromy D; Rockstroh JK; Martin TCS; Ingiliz P; Hung CC; Dore GJ; Martinello M; Matthews GV, 2022, 'Risk of hepatitis C reinfection following successful therapy among people living with HIV: a global systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression', The Lancet HIV, 9, pp. e414 - e427,
Carson JM; Hajarizadeh B; Hanson J; O'Beirne J; Iser D; Read P; Balcomb A; Davies J; Doyle JS; Yee J; Martinello M; Marks P; Matthews GV; Dore GJ; Post J; Batey R; Smart J; Dawson O; Hill S; Douglas M; Montebello M; Collie P; Hallinan R; Snelgar G; Baker D; Galhenage S; Soo TM; Bopage R; Faros J; Cooper L; Nelson R; Shaw D; Wilson M; Pratt W; Hinton S; Wade A; Van Gessel H; Davidson L; Dibdin M; Lucas M; Ahmad R; Smith D; Tan K; Roder C; Harney B; Holdaway S; Walsh J; Fox P; Mousavi R; Lam W; Dahal RP; Habel P; Gilliver R; Silins E; Ackerman J; Deacon R; Hall E; Everson A; Stewart J; Milner M; Ferguson C; Tate-Baker J; Bradshaw J; Duncan G; Baluran G; Watson B; Hey C; Hickey R; Orme C; Miczkova S, 2022, 'Retreatment for hepatitis C virus direct-acting antiviral therapy virological failure in primary and tertiary settings: The REACH-C cohort', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 29, pp. 661 - 676,
Adhikari A; Abayasingam A; Rodrigo C; Agapiou D; Pandzic E; Brasher NA; Fernando BSM; Keoshkerian E; Li H; Kim HN; Lord M; Popovic G; Rawlinson W; Mina M; Post JJ; Hudson B; Gilroy N; Dwyer D; Sasson SC; Grubor-Bauk B; Lloyd AR; Martinello M; Bull RA; Tedla N; Kaldor J; Dore G; Sorrell T; Bartlett A; Lemberg D; Di Girolamo N; Byrne M; Hammoud M; Sultan R; Konecny P; Matthews G; Shek D; Holdaway S; Mitsa-Kos K; How-Chow D; Lagunday R; Robinson S; Terrill L; Joshi N; Li Y; Gill S; Sevehon A, 2022, 'Longitudinal Characterization of Phagocytic and Neutralization Functions of Anti-Spike Antibodies in Plasma of Patients after Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Infection', Journal of Immunology, 209, pp. 1499 - 1512,
Bartlett SR; Verich A; Carson J; Hosseini-Hooshyar S; Read P; Baker D; Post JJ; Finlayson R; Bloch M; Doyle JS; Shaw D; Hellard M; Martinez M; Marks P; Dore GJ; Matthews GV; Applegate T; Martinello M; Hosseini Hooshyar S, 2022, 'Patterns and correlates of hepatitis C virus phylogenetic clustering among people living with HIV in Australia in the direct-acting antiviral era: A molecular epidemiology study among participants in the CEASE cohort', Health Science Reports, 5,
Kim MG; Kamath V; Martinello M; Overton K, 2022, 'Case report of a man with HIV presenting with malignant syphilis.', Sexual Health, 20, pp. 83 - 86,
Conway A; Valerio H; Alavi M; Silk D; Treloar C; Hajarizadeh B; Marshall AD; Martinello M; Milat A; Dunlop A; Murray C; Prain B; Henderson C; Amin J; Read P; Marks P; Degenhardt L; Hayllar J; Reid D; Gorton C; Lam T; Christmass M; Wade A; Montebello M; Dore GJ; Grebely J, 2022, 'A Testing Campaign Intervention Consisting of Peer-Facilitated Engagement, Point-of-Care HCV RNA Testing, and Linkage to Nursing Support to Enhance Hepatitis C Treatment Uptake among People Who Inject Drugs: The ETHOS Engage Study', Viruses, 14,
Marshall AD; Martinello M; Treloar C; Matthews GV, 2022, 'Perceptions of hepatitis C treatment and reinfection risk among HIV-positive men who have sex with men and engage in high risk behaviours for hepatitis C transmission: The CEASE qualitative study', International Journal of Drug Policy, 109,
Wheeler A; Valerio H; Cunningham EB; Martinello M; Barocas JA; Colledge-Frisby S; Treloar C; Amin J; Henderson C; Read P; Matthews GV; Dunlop AJ; Gorton C; Hayllar J; Alavi M; Murray C; Marks P; Silk D; Degenhardt L; Dore GJ; Grebely J, 2022, 'Prevalence and factors associated with hospitalisation for bacterial skin infections among people who inject drugs: The ETHOS Engage Study', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 237,
Shah SHBU; Alavi M; Hajarizadeh B; Matthews GV; Martinello M; Danta M; Amin J; Law MG; George J; Valerio H; Dore GJ, 2022, 'Trends in decompensated cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma among people with a hepatitis B notification in New South Wales', JHEP Reports, 4,
Abayasingam A; Balachandran H; Agapiou D; Hammoud M; Rodrigo C; Keoshkerian E; Li H; Brasher NA; Christ D; Rouet R; Burnet D; Grubor-Bauk B; Rawlinson W; Turville S; Aggarwal A; Stella AO; Fichter C; Brilot F; Mina M; Post JJ; Hudson B; Gilroy N; Dwyer D; Sasson SC; Tea F; Pilli D; Kelleher A; Tedla N; Lloyd AR; Martinello M; Bull RA; Burnett D, 2021, 'Long-term persistence of RBD+ memory B cells encoding neutralizing antibodies in SARS-CoV-2 infection', Cell Reports Medicine, 2, pp. 100228,
Valerio H; Alavi M; Law M; McManus H; Tillakeratne S; Bajis S; Martinello M; Matthews GV; Amin J; Janjua NZ; Krajden M; George J; Degenhardt L; Grebely J; Dore GJ, 2021, 'Opportunities to Enhance Linkage to Hepatitis C Care Among Hospitalized People With Recent Drug Dependence in New South Wales, Australia: A Population-based Linkage Study', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 73, pp. 2037 - 2044,
Matthews GV; Bhagani S; Van der Valk M; Rockstroh J; Feld JJ; Rauch A; Thurnheer C; Bruneau J; Kim A; Hellard M; Shaw D; Gane E; Nelson M; Ingiliz P; Applegate TL; Grebely J; Marks P; Martinello M; Petoumenos K; Dore GJ; Marks P; Feld J; Amjad S; Tu E; Tamaddoni M; Thurnheer MC; Gilleece Y; Fraser C; Moriggia A; Lutz T; Moon J; Read P; Ustianowski A; Cordes C; Sasadeusz J; Hull M; Braun D, 2021, 'Sofosbuvir/velpatasvir for 12 vs. 6 weeks for the treatment of recently acquired hepatitis C infection', Journal of Hepatology, 75, pp. 829 - 839,
Burnett DL; Jackson KJL; Langley DB; Aggrawal A; Stella AO; Johansen MD; Balachandran H; Lenthall H; Rouet R; Walker G; Saunders BM; Singh M; Li H; Henry JY; Jackson J; Stewart AG; Witthauer F; Spence MA; Hansbro NG; Jackson C; Schofield P; Milthorpe C; Martinello M; Schulz SR; Roth E; Kelleher A; Emery S; Britton WJ; Rawlinson WD; Karl R; Schäfer S; Winkler TH; Brink R; Bull RA; Hansbro PM; Jäck HM; Turville S; Christ D; Goodnow CC, 2021, 'Immunizations with diverse sarbecovirus receptor-binding domains elicit SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies against a conserved site of vulnerability', Immunity, 54, pp. 2908 - 2921.e6,
Stafford F; Dore GJ; Clackett S; Martinello M; Matthews GV; Grebely J; Balcomb AC; Hajarizadeh B, 2021, 'Prescribing of direct-acting antiviral therapy by general practitioners for people with hepatitis C in an unrestricted treatment program', Medical Journal of Australia, 215, pp. 332 - 333,
Valerio H; Alavi M; Silk D; Treloar C; Martinello M; Milat A; Dunlop A; Holden J; Henderson C; Amin J; Read P; Marks P; Degenhardt L; Hayllar J; Reid D; Gorton C; Lam T; Dore G; Grebely J, 2021, 'Progress towards Elimination of Hepatitis C Infection among People Who Inject Drugs in Australia: The ETHOS Engage Study', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 73, pp. E69 - E78,
Carson JM; Hajarizadeh B; Hanson J; O'Beirne J; Iser D; Read P; Balcomb A; Davies J; Doyle JS; Yee J; Martinello M; Marks P; Dore GJ; Matthews GV, 2021, 'Effectiveness of treatment for hepatitis C virus reinfection following direct acting antiviral therapy in the REACH-C cohort', International Journal of Drug Policy, 96,
Martinello M; Orkin C; Cooke G; Bhagani S; Gane E; Kulasegaram R; Shaw D; Tu E; Petoumenos K; Marks P; Grebely J; Dore GJ; Nelson M; Matthews GV, 2020, 'Short-Duration Pan-Genotypic Therapy With Glecaprevir/Pibrentasvir for 6 Weeks Among People With Recent Hepatitis C Viral Infection', Hepatology, 72, pp. 7 - 18,
Martinello M; Bajis S; Dore GJ, 2020, 'Progress Toward Hepatitis C Virus Elimination: Therapy and Implementation', Gastroenterology Clinics of North America, 49, pp. 253 - 277,
Dore GJ; Martinello M; Alavi M; Grebely J, 2020, 'Global elimination of hepatitis C virus by 2030: why not?', Nature Medicine, 26, pp. 157 - 160,
Grebely J; Catlett B; Jayasinghe I; Valerio H; Hajarizadeh B; Verich A; Cunningham P; Martinello M; Tillakeratne S; Silk D; Dore GJ; Applegate TL, 2020, 'Time to Detection of Hepatitis C Virus Infection with the Xpert HCV Viral Load Fingerstick Point-of-Care Assay: Facilitating a More Rapid Time to Diagnosis', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 221, pp. 2043 - 2049,
Bajis S; Grebely J; Hajarizadeh B; Applegate T; Marshall AD; Ellen Harrod M; Byrne J; Bath N; Read P; Edwards M; Gorton C; Hayllar J; Cock V; Peterson S; Thomson C; Weltman M; Jefferies M; Wood W; Haber P; Ezard N; Martinello M; Maher L; Dore GJ; Peolim L; How-Chow D; Telenta J; Harvey P; Jones S; Dunlop A; Treloar C; Samuel Y; Poeder F; Crawford S; Baxter A; Keats J; Mowat Y; Silk D; Micallef M; Tamaddoni M; Marks P; Lamoury F; Jayasinghe I; Reid H; Cunningham EB; Bartlett S; Jacka B; Erratt A; Jauncey M; Collie P; Lam T; Gilliver R; Hazelwood S; Houlihan N; Burns C; Lewis R; Morris D; Donohue K; Carthew A; Horasak N; Cherry R; Shin S; Peterson D; Sellwood T; McKeown W; Pritchard-Jones J; Smyth F; Adey S; Clark K; Grebely J; Hajarizadeh B; Edwards M, 2020, 'Hepatitis C virus testing, liver disease assessment and treatment uptake among people who inject drugs pre- and post-universal access to direct-acting antiviral treatment in Australia: The LiveRLife study', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 27, pp. 281 - 293,
Hajarizadeh B; Cunningham EB; Valerio H; Martinello M; Law M; Janjua NZ; Midgard H; Dalgard O; Dillon J; Hickman M; Bruneau J; Dore GJ; Grebely J, 2020, 'Hepatitis C reinfection after successful antiviral treatment among people who inject drugs: A meta-analysis', Journal of Hepatology, 72, pp. 643 - 657,
Schierhout G; McGregor S; Gessain A; Einsiedel L; Martinello M; Kaldor J, 2020, 'Association between HTLV-1 infection and adverse health outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of epidemiological studies', The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 20, pp. 133 - 143,
Denholm JT; Davis J; Paterson D; Roberts J; Morpeth S; Snelling T; Zentner D; Rees M; O'Sullivan M; Price D; Bowen A; Tong SYC; Anderson S; McQuilton Z; Venkatesh B; Hammond N; Jha V; Burston VJ; McMahon J; Charles P; Commons R; O'Brien D; Mahoney A; Sheffield D; Lim LL; Gardiner B; Schulz T; Torresi J; Chean R; Sasadeusz J; Rogers B; Aboltins C; Singh K; Yong M; Lister D; Visvanathan K; Molton J; Tai A; Chalmers R; Martinello M; Wilson P; Gray T; Coghill S; Foo H; Sud A; Williams J; Lwin N; Post J; Van Haal S; Sullivan R; Matthews G; Kwan BCH; Slack A; Shum O; Cochrane B; Dotel R; Gilbey T; Mina M; Su Y; Trethewy C; Hudson B; Chatterji A; Mostert C; New D; Raby E; Hui S; Robinson O; Hart J; Tan SJ; Arellano A; Chambers J; Davis J; Rafiei N; Smith S; Sehu M; Da Silva J; Griffin P; Henderson A; Chaw K; Choong K; Burke A; Heather C; Senanayake S; Boyd M; Rowe E; Anagnostou M; Trad A; Ratcliff A; Dummer J; Bhally H; Giola M; Grimwade K; Chang CLL; Verrall A; Hogg S; Restropo D; Maze M; Ritchie S; Gedye C; Chang J, 2020, 'The Australasian COVID-19 Trial (ASCOT) to assess clinical outcomes in hospitalised patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19) treated with lopinavir/ritonavir and/or hydroxychloroquine compared to standard of care: A structured summary of a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial', Trials, 21,
Hosseini-Hooshyar S; Martinello M; Yee J; Read P; Baker D; Post JJ; Finlayson R; Bloch M; Doyle JS; Shaw D; Hellard M; Petoumenos K; Carson J; Dore GJ; Matthews GV, 2020, 'Low hepatitis C virus reinfection rate despite ongoing risk following universal access to direct-acting antiviral therapy among people living with HIV', AIDS, 34, pp. 1347 - 1358,
Martinello M; Yee J; Bartlett SR; Read P; Baker D; Post JJ; Finlayson R; Bloch M; Doyle J; Shaw D; Hellard M; Petoumenos K; Lin L; Marks P; Applegate T; Dore GJ; Matthews GV, 2020, 'Moving towards Hepatitis C microelimination among people living with human immunodeficiency virus in Australia: The CEASE study', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 71, pp. 1502 - 1510,
Iranpour N; Dore GJ; Martinello M; Matthews GV; Grebely J; Hajarizadeh B, 2020, 'Estimated uptake of hepatitis C direct-acting antiviral treatment among individuals with HIV co-infection in Australia: A retrospective cohort study', Sexual Health, 17, pp. 223 - 230,
Gorstein E; Martinello M; Churkin A; Dasgupta S; Walsh K; Applegate TL; Yardeni D; Etzion O; Uprichard SL; Barash D; Cotler SJ; Matthews GV; Dahari H, 2020, 'Modeling based response guided therapy in subjects with recent hepatitis C infection', Antiviral Research, 180,
Dore GJ; Feld JJ; Thompson A; Martinello M; Muir AJ; Agarwal K; Müllhaupt B; Wedemeyer H; Lacombe K; Matthews GV; Schultz M; Klein M; Hezode C; Mercade GE; Kho D; Petoumenos K; Marks P; Tatsch F; Dos Santos AGP; Gane E, 2020, 'Simplified monitoring for hepatitis C virus treatment with glecaprevir plus pibrentasvir, a randomised non-inferiority trial', Journal of Hepatology, 72, pp. 431 - 440,
Grebely J; Read P; Cunningham EB; Weltman M; Matthews GV; Dunlop A; Montebello M; Martinello M; Gilliver R; Marks P; Applegate TL; Dore GJ, 2020, 'Elbasvir and grazoprevir for hepatitis C virus genotype 1 infection in people with recent injecting drug use (DARLO-C): An open-label, single-arm, phase 4, multicentre trial', Health Science Reports, 3,
Bradshaw D; Vasylyeva TI; Davis C; Pybus OG; Thézé J; Thomson EC; Martinello M; Matthews GV; Burholt R; Gilleece Y; Cooke GS; Page EE; Waters L; Nelson M, 2020, 'Transmission of hepatitis C virus in HIV-positive and PrEP-using MSM in England', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 27, pp. 721 - 730,
Martinello M; Hajarizadeh B; Dore GJ, 2020, 'Hepatitis C elimination in Australia: progress and challenges', Medical Journal of Australia, 212, pp. 362 - 363,
Martinello M; Orkin C; Cooke G; Bhagani S; Gane E; Kulasegaram R; Shaw D; Tu E; Filep E; Petoumenos K; Marks P; Applegate T; Grebely J; Dore G; Nelson M; Matthews G, 2019, 'Shortened duration pan-genotypic therapy with glecaprevir-pibrentasvir for six weeks among people with acute and recent HCV infection', JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, 70, pp. E231 - E231,
Dore G; Feld J; Thompson A; Martinello M; Muir A; Agarwal K; Mullhaupt B; Wedemeyer H; Lacombe K; Matthews G; Schultz M; Mercade GE; Kho D; Filep E; Petoumenos K; Marks P; Tatsch F; dos Santos AGP; Gane E, 2019, 'Simplified monitoring for hepatitis C virus treatment with glecaprevir plus pibrentasvir: the SMART-C study', JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, 70, pp. E110 - E110,
Hajarizadeh B; Cunningham EB; Valerio H; Martinello M; Reid H; Law M; Janjua N; Midgard H; Dalgard O; Dillon J; Hickman M; Bruneau J; Dore G; Grebely J, 2019, 'SAT-233-Hepatitis C virus reinfection following antiviral treatment among people who inject drugs: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression', Journal of Hepatology, 70, pp. e733 - e733,
Bajis S; Grebely J; Cooper L; Smith J; Owen G; Chudleigh A; Hajarizadeh B; Martinello M; Adey S; Read P; Gilliver R; Applegate T; Treloar C; Maher L; Dore GJ, 2019, 'Hepatitis C virus testing, liver disease assessment and direct-acting antiviral treatment uptake and outcomes in a service for people who are homeless in Sydney, Australia: The LiveRLife homelessness study', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 26, pp. 969 - 979,
Bartlett SR; Applegate TL; Jacka BP; Martinello M; Lamoury FMJ; Danta M; Bradshaw D; Shaw D; Lloyd AR; Hellard M; Dore GJ; Matthews GV; Grebely J, 2019, 'A latent class approach to identify multi-risk profiles associated with phylogenetic clustering of recent hepatitis C virus infection in Australia and New Zealand from 2004 to 2015', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 22, pp. e25222,
Olmstead AD; Montoya V; Chui CK; Dong W; Joy JB; Tai V; Poon AFY; Nguyen T; Brumme CJ; Martinello M; Matthews GV; Richard Harrigan P; Dore GJ; Applegate TL; Grebely J; Howe AYM, 2019, 'A systematic, deep sequencing-based methodology for identification of mixed-genotype hepatitis C virus infections', Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 69, pp. 76 - 84,
Hooshyar SH; Martinello M; Yee J; Bartlett S; Read P; Baker D; Post J; Finlayson R; Bloch M; Doyle J; Shaw D; Hellard M; Petoumenos K; Marks P; Applegate T; Dore G; Matthews G, 2019, 'SAT-235-Low HCV reinfection incidence following DAA treatment scale-up in people living with HIV in Australia', Journal of Hepatology, 70, pp. e734 - e734,
Martinello M; Matthews GV, 2019, 'Management of acute HCV in the era of direct-acting antivirals: implications for elimination', The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 4, pp. 256 - 257,
Martinello M; Hajarizadeh B; Grebely J; Dore GJ; Matthews GV, 2018, 'Management of acute HCV infection in the era of direct-acting antiviral therapy', Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 15, pp. 412 - 424,
Lamoury FMJ; Bajis S; Hajarizadeh B; Marshall AD; Martinello M; Ivanova E; Catlett B; Mowat Y; Marks P; Amin J; Smith J; Ezard N; Cock V; Hayllar J; Persing DH; Kleman M; Cunningham P; Dore GJ; Applegate TL; Grebely J, 2018, 'Evaluation of the Xpert HCV Viral Load Finger-Stick Point-of-Care Assay', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 217, pp. 1889 - 1896,
Bajis S; Maher L; Treloar C; Hajarizadeh B; Lamoury FMJ; Mowat Y; Schulz M; Marshall AD; Cunningham EB; Cock V; Ezard N; Gorton C; Hayllar J; Smith J; Whelan M; Martinello M; Applegate TL; Dore GJ; Grebely J, 2018, 'Acceptability and preferences of point-of-care finger-stick whole-blood and venepuncture hepatitis C virus testing among people who inject drugs in Australia', International Journal of Drug Policy, 61, pp. 23 - 30,
Martinello M; Dore GJ; Matthews GV; Grebely J, 2018, 'Strategies to Reduce Hepatitis C Virus Reinfection in People Who Inject Drugs', Infectious Disease Clinics of North America, 32, pp. 371 - 393,
Martinello M; Bhagani S; Gane E; Orkin C; Cooke G; Dore GJ; Petoumenos K; Applegate TL; Tu E; Marks P; Pagani N; Grebely J; Nelson M; Matthews GV, 2018, 'Shortened therapy of eight weeks with paritaprevir/ritonavir/ombitasvir and dasabuvir is highly effective in people with recent HCV genotype 1 infection', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 25, pp. 1180 - 1188,
Hajarizadeh B; Grebely J; Matthews GV; Martinello M; Dore GJ, 2018, 'Uptake of direct-acting antiviral treatment for chronic hepatitis C in Australia', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 25, pp. 640 - 648,
Martinello M; Dore GJ; Skurowski J; Bopage RI; Finlayson R; Baker D; Bloch M; Matthews GV, 2018, 'Erratum: Antiretroviral use in the CEASE cohort study and implications for direct-acting antiviral therapy in human immunodeficiency virus/hepatitis C virus coinfection (Open Forum Infect Diss (2016)3:2(ofw105) DOI: 10.1093/ofid/ofw105)', Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 5,
Martinello M; Hajarizadeh B; Dore GJ, 2018, 'Observations on the launch of new drugs for hepatitis C', Australian Prescriber, 41, pp. 4 - 5,
Martinello M; Grebely J; Petoumenos K; Gane E; Hellard M; Shaw D; Sasadeusz J; Applegate TL; Dore GJ; Matthews GV, 2017, 'HCV reinfection incidence among individuals treated for recent infection', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 24, pp. 359 - 370,
Martinello M; Hajarizadeh B; Grebely J; Dore GJ; Matthews GV, 2017, 'HCV Cure and Reinfection Among People With HIV/HCV Coinfection and People Who Inject Drugs', Current HIV/AIDS Reports, 14, pp. 110 - 121,
Martinello M; Dore GJ; Bopage RI; Finlayson R; Baker D; Bloch M; Filep E; Skurowski J; Lin L; Lamoury F; Bartlett S; Applegate T; Hellard M; Matthews GV, 2017, 'O7 Moving towards HCV elimination in HIV/HCV co- infection in Australia following universal access to interferon-free therapy', Journal of Virus Eradication, 3, pp. 3 - 3,
Hajarizadeh B; Grebely J; Matthews GV; Martinello M; Dore GJ, 2017, 'P20 Monitoring the uptake of hepatitis C: direct acting antiviral treatment in Australia', Journal of Virus Eradication, 3, pp. 19 - 19,
Martinello M; Grebely J; Matthews GV, 2017, 'Direct-acting antivirals for acute HCV: how short can we go?', The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2, pp. 316 - 318,
Hajarizadeh B; Grebely J; Martinello M; Matthews GV; Lloyd AR; Dore GJ, 2016, 'Hepatitis C treatment as prevention: evidence, feasibility, and challenges', The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 1, pp. 317 - 327,
Martinello M; Gane E; Hellard M; Sasadeusz J; Shaw D; Petoumenos K; Applegate T; Grebely J; Maire L; Marks P; Dore GJ; Matthews GV; Cooper D, 2016, 'Sofosbuvir and ribavirin for 6 weeks is not effective among people with recent hepatitis C virus infection: The DARE-C II study', Hepatology, 64, pp. 1911 - 1921,
Phillips CJ; Wells NA; Martinello M; Smith S; Woodman RJ; Gordon DL, 2016, 'Optimizing the detection of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus with elevated vancomycin minimum inhibitory concentrations within the susceptible range', Infection and Drug Resistance, 9, pp. 87 - 92,
Martinello M; Dore GJ; Skurowski J; Bopage RI; Finlayson R; Baker D; Bloch M; Matthews GV, 2016, 'Antiretroviral use in the CEASE cohort study and implications for direct-acting antiviral therapy in human immunodeficiency virus/hepatitis C virus coinfection', Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 3, pp. ofw105,
Martinello M; Amin J; Matthews GV; Dore GJ, 2016, 'Prevalence and disease burden of HCV coinfection in HIV cohorts in the Asia pacific region: A systematic review and meta-analysis', AIDS Reviews, 18, pp. 69 - 80
Martinello M; Hellard M; Shaw D; Petoumenos K; Applegate T; Grebely J; Yeung B; Maire L; Iser D; Lloyd A; Thompson A; Sasadeusz J; Haber P; Dore GJ; Matthews GV, 2016, 'Short duration response-guided treatment is effective for most individuals with recent hepatitis C infection: the ATAHC II and DARE-C I studies', ANTIVIRAL THERAPY, 21, pp. 425 - 434,
Martinello M; Hellard M; Shaw D; Petoumenos K; Applegate T; Grebely J; Yeung B; Maire L; Iser D; Lloyd A; Thompson A; Sasadeusz J; Haber P; Dore GJ; Matthews GV, 2016, 'Short duration response-guided treatment is effective for most individuals with recent hepatitis C infection: the ATAHC II and DARE-C I studies', Antiviral therapy, 21, pp. 465,
Martinello M; Schteinman A; Alavi M; Williams K; Dore GJ; Day R; Matthews GV, 2016, 'The impact of ribavirin plasma concentration on the efficacy of the interferon-sparing regimen, sofosbuvir and ribavirin', ANTIVIRAL THERAPY, 21, pp. 127 - 132,
Martinello M; Dore GJ, 2016, 'Editorial commentary: Interferon-free Hepatitis C treatment efficacy from clinical trials will translate to "Real World" outcomes', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 62, pp. 927 - 928,
Mimica MJ; Navarini A, 2016, 'Evaluating vancomycin susceptibility in Staphylococcus aureus.', Infect Drug Resist, 9, pp. 241,
Phillips CJ; Wells NA; Martinello M; Smith S; Woodman RJ; Gordon DL, 2016, 'Authors’ reply', Infection and Drug Resistance, 9, pp. 241
Phillips CJ; Wells NA; Martinello M; Smith S; Woodman RJ; Gordon DL, 2016, 'Evaluating vancomycin susceptibility in Staphylococcus aureus Reply', INFECTION AND DRUG RESISTANCE, 9, pp. 241 - 241,
Martinello M; Matthews GV, 2015, 'Enhancing the detection and management of acute hepatitis C virus infection', International Journal of Drug Policy, 26, pp. 899 - 910,
Ingram PR; Murray RJ; Cheng AC; Blyth CC; Walls T; Fisher DA; Davis JS; Abbott I; Kanapathipillai R; Madigan V; McLellan D; Briggs S; King C; Hurley J; Lim LL; Kennedy K; Wilson H; Evans T; Maze M; Pithie A; Chong L; Leung G; McCann S; Lee LY; Wolfgang J; Day T; Silva GD; Martinello M; Gliddon T; Wilson M; Athan E; Pollard J; Harris P; Pachchigar R; Wehrhahn M; Moriarty P; Holland D; Langlands A; McBride S; Sherif M; Lim K; Choong K; Henderson A; Sowden D; Everts R; Manon M; Sud A; Read K; Yap R; Bursle E; Gluer R; Siebert D; Cross G; Francis J; Booth C; Dalton S; Ooi EL; Chih D; Dyer J; Clarke J; Grimwood K; Gwee A; Commons R; Majumdar S; Warren S; Manners D; Raby E; Radhakrishnan D; Keighley C; Dotel R; Paterson D; Best E; Aung AK; Paterson T; Hassell M; Newcombe J; Llorin R; Lye D; Giola M; Yew HS; Taylor J; Iredell J; Pollett S; Garg L; Jennings Z; Kapur A; Miyakis S; Parshuramkar D; Thu KM; Rasiah K; Bak N; Chen S; Cooley L; Gordon D; Howden B; McBryde E; Murdoch D; Peleg A; Ralph A; Robinson O, 2014, 'What do infectious diseases physicians do? A 2-week snapshot of inpatient consultative activities across Australia, New Zealand and Singapore', Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 20, pp. O737 - O744,
Martinello M; Chow DH; Danta M; Matthews GV; Dore GJ, 2014, 'Regression of advanced fibrosis following virological response to anti-HCV therapy', JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY, 29, pp. 85 - 85
Martinello M; Chow DH; Danta M; Matthews GV; Dore GJ, 2014, 'Safety and efficacy of telaprevir and boceprevir in the "real world": an Australian experience', JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY, 29, pp. 85 - 86
Martinello M; Nelson A; Bignold L; Shaw D, 2012, '“We are what we eat!” Invasive intestinal mucormycosis: A case report and review of the literature', Medical Mycology Case Reports, 1, pp. 52 - 55,
Lavender CJ; Globan M; Johnson PDR; Charles PGP; Jenkin GA; Ghosh N; Clark BM; Martinello M; Fyfe JAM, 2012, 'Buruli ulcer disease in travelers and differentiation of Mycobacterium ulcerans strains from northern Australia', Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 50, pp. 3717 - 3721,
Baird S; Ashley CL; Marsh-Wakefield F; Alca S; Ashhurst TM; Ferguson AL; Lukeman H; Counoupas C; Post JJ; Konecny P; Bartlett A; Martinello M; Bull RA; Lloyd A; Grey A; Hutchings O; Palendira U; Britton WJ; Steain M; Triccas JA, 2023, A unique cytotoxic CD4+T cells signature defines critical COVID-19,
Rouet R; Henry J; Johansen M; Sobti M; Balachandran H; Langley D; Walker G; Lenthall H; Jackson J; Ubiparipovic S; Mazigi O; Schofield P; Burnett D; Brown S; Martinello M; Hudson B; Gilroy N; Post J; Kelleher A; Jäck H-M; Goodnow C; Turville S; Rawlinson W; Bull R; Stewart A; Hansbro P; Christ D, 2022, Broadly neutralizing SARS-CoV-2 antibodies through epitope-based selection from convalescent patients,
Adhikari A; Abayasingam A; Rodrigo C; Agapiou D; Pandzic E; Brasher N; Madushan Fernando BS; Keoshkerian E; Li H; Kim HN; Lord M; Popovic G; Rawlinson W; Mina M; Post J; Hudson B; Gilroy N; Bartlett A; Ahlenstiel G; Grubor-Bauk B; Dwyer D; Konecny P; Lloyd A; Martinello M; Bull R; Tedla N, 2021, Longitudinal characterisation of phagocytic and neutralisation functions of anti-Spike antibodies in plasma of patients after SARS-CoV-2 infection,
Bull R; Abayasingam A; Balachandran H; Agapiou D; Rodrigo C; Keoshkerian E; Li H; Brasher N; Christ D; Rouet R; Burnett D; Grubor-Bauk B; Rawlinson W; Turville S; Aggarwal A; Brilot F; Mina M; Post J; Hudson B; Gilroy N; Dwyer D; Sasson S; Tea F; Pilli D; Tedla N; Lloyd A; Martinello M, 2020, Long-term persistence of neutralizing memory B cells in SARS-CoV-2,
Balachandran H; Phetsouphanh C; Agapiou D; Adhikari A; Rodrigo C; Hammoud M; Shrestha LB; Keoshkerian E; Gupta M; Turville S; Christ D; King C; Sasson S; Bartlett A; Grubor-Bauk B; Rawlinson W; Aggarwal A; Stella AO; Klemm V; Mina MM; Post JJ; Hudson B; Gilroy N; Konecny P; Ahlenstiel G; Dwyer D; Sorrell TC; Kelleher A; Tedla N; Lloyd AR; Martinello M; Bull RA, Maintenance of Broad Neutralising Antibodies and Memory B Cells 12 Months Post-Infection Is Predicted by SARS-CoV-2 Specific CD4+ T Cell Responses,
Martinello M; Yee J; Bartlett SR; Read P; Baker D; Post J; Finlayson R; Bloch M; Doyle J; Shaw D; Rowling D; Doong N; Jackson E; Hellard M; Petoumenos K; Lin L; Marks P; Applegate T; Dore GJ; Matthews GV, Moving Towards HCV Elimination Among People Living with HIV in Australia: Analysis of the CEASE Prospective Cohort Study,
Hosseini-Hooshyar S; Hajarizadeh B; Bajis S; Law M; Janjua N; fierer D; Chromy D; Rockstroh JK; Martin T; Ingiliz P; Hung C-C; Dore GJ; Martinello M; Matthews G, Hepatitis C Reinfection Risk Following Successful Therapy Among People Living with HIV: A Global Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and Meta-Regression,
Abayasingam A; Balachandran H; Agapiou D; Rodrigo C; Keoshkerian E; Li H; Brasher N; Christ D; Rouet R; Burnett D; Grubor-Bauk B; Rawlinson W; Turville S; Aggarwal A; Brilot F; Mina M; Post JJ; Hudson B; Gilroy N; Dwyer D; Sasson S; Tea F; Pilli D; Tedla N; Lloyd AR; Martinello M; Bull RA; Group COSINS, Long-Term Persistence of Neutralizing Memory B Cells in SARS-CoV-2,
Koopsen J; Matthews G; Rockstroh JK; Applegate TL; Bhagani SR; Grebely J; Rauch A; Sacks-Davis R; Ingiliz P; Boesecke C; Rebers S; Feld J; Bruneau J; Martinello M; Hellard ME; Dore GJ; Schinkel J; van der Valk M; Study Group REACT, Hepatitis C Virus Transmission Dynamics in a Global Cohort of Men Who Have Sex with Men with Recently Acquired Infection,
Conference Papers
Valerio H; Alavi M; Conway A; Silk D; Treloar C; Martinello M; Milat A; Dunlop A; Murray C; Henderson C; Amin J; Read P; Marks P; Degenhardt L; Stevens A; Prain B; Hayllar J; Reid D; Montebello M; Wade A; Christmass M; Cock V; Dore GJ; Grebely J, 2022, 'Declining prevalence of current HCV infection and increased treatment uptake among people who inject drugs: The ETHOS Engage study', in International Journal of Drug Policy,
Bradshaw D; Vasylyeva T; Davis C; Pybus O; Theze J; Thomson E; Martinello M; Matthews G; Burholt R; Gilleece Y; Cooke G; Page E; Waters L; Nelson M, 2019, 'Risk factors and patterns of HCV transmission amongst men who have sex with men', in HIV MEDICINE, WILEY, pp. 12 - 12,
Walsh KW; Martinello M; Churkin A; Lou S; Applegate T; Etzion O; Uprichard SL; Cotler SJ; Barash D; Matthews G; Dahari H, 2019, 'MODELING INDICATES 100% NEGATIVE PREDICTIVE VALUE OF ACHIEVING CURE IN SUBJECTS WITH RECENT HCV INFECTION TREATED FOR 6 WEEKS WITH SOFOSBUVIR AND RIBAVIRIN: THE DARE II STUDY', in HEPATOLOGY, WILEY, MA, Boston, pp. 969A - 970A, presented at Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases (AASLD) / Liver Meeting, MA, Boston, 08 November 2019 - 12 November 2019,
Lamoury F; Bajis S; Hajarizadeh B; Marshall A; Martinello M; Ivanova E; Catlett B; Mowat Y; Marks P; Amin J; Smith J; Ezard N; Cock V; Hayllar J; Persing D; Kleman M; Cunningham P; Dore G; Applegate T; Grebely J, 2018, 'Evaluation of the Xpert fingerstick HCV viral load assay', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, FRANCE, Paris, pp. S167 - S167, presented at International Liver Congress (ILC), FRANCE, Paris, 11 April 2018 - 15 April 2018,
Lamoury F; Hajarizadeh B; Martinello M; Soker A; Martinez D; Cunningham P; Cloherty GA; Marks P; Matthews G; Amin J; Grebely J; Dore G; Applegate TL, 2016, 'Hepatitis C virus core antigen: A simplified treatment monitoring tool among those with recent Hepatitis C virus infection, including for post-treatment relapse', in HEPATOLOGY, WILEY, MA, Boston, pp. 415A - 415A, presented at 67th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases (AASLD), MA, Boston, 11 November 2016 - 15 November 2016,
Martinello M; Schteinman A; Alavi M; Williams K; Dore GJ; Day R; Matthews GV, 2014, 'The impact of ribavirin plasma concentration on the eficacy of the interferon-sparing regimen, sofosbuvir and ribavirin', in Antiviral Therapy, SAGE Publications, MA, Boston, pp. 127 - 132, presented at 65th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases, MA, Boston, 07 November 2014 - 11 November 2014,
Martinello M; Hellard M; Shaw D; Petoumenos K; Applegate T; Grebely J; Yeung B; Maire L; Iser D; Lloyd A; Thompson A; Sasadeusz J; Haber P; Dore GJ; Matthews GV, 2014, 'Short duration response-guided treatment is effective for most individuals with recent hepatitis C infection: The ATAHC II and DARE-C i studies', in Antiviral Therapy, SAGE Publications, MA, Boston, pp. 425 - 434, presented at 65th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases, MA, Boston, 07 November 2014 - 11 November 2014,
Conference Abstracts
Shah SHBU; Alavi M; Hajarizadeh B; Matthews G; Martinello M; Danta M; Amin J; Law M; George J; Innes H; Dore G, 2022, 'Liver-related mortality among people with hepatitis B and C: a validation study using linked healthcare administrative datasets', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER, Vol. 77, pp. S560 - S560,
Shah SHBU; Alavi M; Hajarizadeh B; Matthews G; Martinello M; Danta M; Amin J; Law M; George J; Dore G, 2022, 'Trends in decompensated cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma diagnosis among people with a hepatitis B notification in New South Wales: a population-based data linkage study', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER, Vol. 77, pp. S302 - S302,
Hosseini-Hooshyar S; Alavi M; Martinello M; Matthews G; Dore G, 2021, 'Evaluation of the HCV cascade of care among people with HIV/hepatitis C co-infection in New South Wales, Australia: a data linkage study', in JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL AIDS SOCIETY, JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD, Vol. 24, pp. 19 - 19,
Hooshyar SH; Martinello M; Yee J; Bartlett S; Read P; Baker D; Post J; Finlayson R; Bloch M; Doyle J; Shaw D; Hellard M; Petoumenos K; Marks P; Applegate T; Dore G; Matthew G, 2019, 'Low HCV reinfection incidence following DAA treatment scale-up in people living with HIV in Australia', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER, AUSTRIA, Vienna, Vol. 70, pp. E734 - E734, presented at International Liver Congress / 54th Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver (EASL), AUSTRIA, Vienna, 10 April 2019 - 14 April 2019
Hajarizadeh B; Cunningham EB; Valerio H; Martinello M; Reid H; Law M; Janjua N; Midgard H; Dalgard O; Dillon J; Hickman M; Bruneau J; Dore G; Grebely J, 2019, 'Hepatitis C virus reinfection following antiviral treatment among people who inject drugs: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER, AUSTRIA, Vienna, Vol. 70, pp. E733 - E733, presented at International Liver Congress / 54th Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver (EASL), AUSTRIA, Vienna, 10 April 2019 - 14 April 2019,
Hajarizadeh B; Cunningham EB; Valerio H; Martinello M; Law M; Reid H; Janjua N; Midgard H; Dalgard O; Dillon J; Hickman M; Bruneau J; Dore GJ; Grebely J, 2019, 'HEPATITIS C VIRUS REINFECTION FOLLOWING ANTIVIRAL TREATMENT AMONG PEOPLE WHO USE OR INJECT DRUGS: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AND META-ANALYSIS', in DRUG AND ALCOHOL REVIEW, WILEY, Vol. 38, pp. S50 - S51,
Matthews G; Bhagani S; Van der Valk M; Rockstroh JK; Kim AY; Thurnheer C; Feld JJ; Bruneau J; Gane EJ; Hellard M; Grebely J; Applegate T; Marks P; Martinello M; Petoumenos K; Dore G, 2019, 'SHORT COURSE DURATION SOFOSBUVIR/VELPATASVIR IS INFERIOR TO STANDARD DURATION THERAPY IN THE TREATMENT OF RECENTLY ACQUIRED HCV INFECTION: RESULTS FROM REACT STUDY', in HEPATOLOGY, WILEY, MA, Boston, Vol. 70, pp. 1487A - 1488A, presented at 70th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases (AASLD) / Liver Meeting, MA, Boston, 08 November 2019 - 12 November 2019,
Martinello M; Bartlett S; Dore G; Bopage R; Finlayson R; Baker D; Bloch M; Doyle J; Shaw D; Hajkowicz K; Read P; Filep E; Lin L; Yee J; Applegate T; Hellard M; Matthews G, 2018, 'Universal access to DAA therapy paves the way for HCV control and elimination among people living with HIV in Australia', in Universal access to DAA therapy paves the way for HCV control and elimination among people living with HIV in Australia, Paris, France, presented at THE INTERNATIONAL LIVER CONGRESS 2018, Paris, France, 11 April 2018 - 15 April 2018
Martinello M; Cerrone M; Bhagani S; Gane E; Orkin C; Cooke G; Dore GJ; Petoumenos K; Applegate TL; Tu E; Marks P; Pagani N; Schoolmeesters A; Grebely J; Nelson M; Matthews GV, 2018, 'TARGET3D: high efficacy of 8 weeks paritaprevir/ritonavir/ombitasvir and dasabuvir among people with recent genotype 1 HCV infection', in HIV MEDICINE, WILEY, Vol. 19, pp. S151 - S152,
Martinello M; Dore GJ; Bopage RI; Finlayson R; Baker D; Bloch M; Wilcox A; Filep E; Hellard M; Matthews GV, 2017, 'DAA treatment scale-up in HIV/HCV co-infection: characterisinga population at risk for reinfection', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, Vol. 66, pp. S495 - S496, presented at International Liver Congress / 52nd Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver, NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, 19 April 2017 - 23 April 2017,
Martinello M; Bhagani S; Gane EJ; Orkin C; Cooke G; Kulasegaram R; Shaw D; Hellard M; Tu E; Filep E; Petoumenos K; Marks P; Grebely J; Dore GJ; Nelson M; Matthews G, 2017, 'Shortened therapy of 8 weeks duration with paritaprevir/ritonavir/ombitasvir and dasabuvir is highly effective in people with acute and recent genotype 1 HCV infection: The TARGET3D Study', in HEPATOLOGY, WILEY, DC, Washington, Vol. 66, pp. 574A - 575A, presented at 68th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases (AASLD) / Liver Meeting, DC, Washington, 20 October 2017 - 24 October 2017
Martinello M; Petoumenos K; Grebely J; Gane E; Hellard M; Shaw D; Sasdeusz J; Applegate T; Lamoury F; Yeung B; Maire L; Dore G; Matthews G, 2016, 'INCIDENCE OF HCV REINFECTION AMONG TREATED INDIVIDUALS WITH RECENTLY ACQUIRED INFECTION', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, SPAIN, Barcelona, Vol. 64, pp. S620 - S621, presented at EASL International Liver Congress, SPAIN, Barcelona, 13 April 2016 - 17 April 2016,
Theses / Dissertations
Hosseini Hooshyar S; Matthews G; Dore G; Martinello M, 2022, Hepatitis C elimination among people living with HIV,
Book Chapters
Hajarizadeh B; Martinello M; Dore G, 2021, 'HCV Elimination in Australia', in Hepatitis C: Epidemiology, Prevention and Elimination Volume 1, Springer,
Dore GJ; Martinello M, 2020, 'Global elimination of hepatitis C virus by 2030: The optimistic view', in Clinical Dilemmas in Viral Liver Disease, Second Edition, pp. 238 - 243,
Grebely J; Martinello M, 2020, 'Harm reduction strategies to prevent new infections and reinfections among people who inject drugs: How effective are they?', in Clinical Dilemmas in Viral Liver Disease, Second Edition, pp. 106 - 111,
Martinello M; Hajarizadeh B; Grebely J; Matthews G; Dore G, 2019, 'Cure and Control: What Will It Take to Eliminate HCV?', in Sofia M (ed.), HCV: The Journey from Discovery to a Cure: Volume II, Springer International Publishing, pp. 447 - 490,
Martinello MK; Grebely J; Dore G, 2017, 'Protease, polymerase and assembly inhibitors for the treatment of hepatitis C virus infection', in Kucers' The Use of Antibiotics A Clinical Review of Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antiparasitic, and Antiviral Drugs, Seventh Edition - Three Volume Set, CRC Press
Mills J; Crowe SM; Martinello MK, 2017, 'Investigational antiviral drugs', in Kucers' The Use of Antibiotics A Clinical Review of Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antiparasitic, and Antiviral Drugs, Seventh Edition - Three Volume Set, CRC Press
Matthews G; Martinello MK; van Beek I; Burns M, 2014, 'Exposure and acute viral hepatitis', in HIV, Viral Hepatitis and STIs: A Guide for Primary Care
Bajis S; Dore G; Alavi M; McGregor S; Kwon A; Monaghan R; Iversen J; Martinello M; Buckland G; Guy R; Kaldor J; Grebely J, 2021, Progress towards hepatitis C elimination among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia: monitoring and evaluation report, The Kirby Institute, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, Australia,
Bajis S; Bull R; Causer L; Kaldor J; Legrand N; Martinello M; McGregor S; Naruka E; Ronnachitand A; Valencia Arroyo B; Low N, 2020, Human T-lymphotropic virus type 1: technical report, World Health Organization, Geneve,
Conference Presentations
Hajarizadeh B; Grebely J; Matthews GV; Martinello M; Dore GJ, 2017, 'The path towards hepatitis C elimination in Australia following universal access to interferon-free treatments', presented at International Liver Congress / 52nd Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver, NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, 19 April 2017 - 23 April 2017,
Hajarizadeh B; Grebely J; Matthews G; Martinello M; Dore G, 2016, 'Treatment uptake for chronic hepatitis C in Australia following universal access to interferon-free treatments', presented at 67th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases (AASLD), MA, Boston, 11 November 2016 - 15 November 2016