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Dr Luh Putu Lila Wulandari


Murhandarwati EH; Probandari A; Kusumasari RA; Ferdiana A; Kustanti CY; Dewi K; Tarmizi SN; Wulandari LPL; Schierhout G; Romani L; Kaldor J; Nery SV, 2024, 'Effect of preventive chemotherapy for neglected tropical diseases in Indonesia from 1992 to 2022: A systematic review and meta-analysis', Tropical Medicine and International Health, 29, pp. 995 - 1005,
Ferdiana A; Mashuri YA; Wulandari LPL; Rahayu ID; Hasanah M; Ayuningsih Z; Batura N; Khan M; Liverani M; Guy R; Schierhout G; Kaldor J; Law M; Day R; Jan S; Wibawa T; Probandari A; Yeung S; Wiseman V, 2024, 'The impact of a multi-faceted intervention on non-prescription dispensing of antibiotics by urban community pharmacies in Indonesia: a mixed methods evaluation', BMJ Global Health, 9,
Wulandari LPL; Negara SNS; Wahyuningtias SD; Mashuri YA; Putra IWCSD; Fardousi N; Ahmad RA; Boettiger D; Probandari A; Subronto YW; Wiseman V; Liverani M, 2024, 'Delivering HIV and TB services amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia: a qualitative study of challenges and mitigation strategies', Journal of Global Health Reports, 8,
Wulandari LPL; Negara SNS; Mashuri YA; Wahyuningtias SD; Putra IWCSD; Subronto YW; Ahmad RA; Thabrany H; Guy R; Law M; Hammoud M; Bavinton BB; Kaldor J; Medland N; Liverani M; Probandari A; Boettiger D; Wiseman V, 2024, 'A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Access to HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis: Lessons for Future Public Health Crises', Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999), 97, pp. 208 - 215,
Sukmaningrum E; Levy J; Negara MD; Devika D; Wardhani BDK; Wulandari LPL; Januraga PP, 2024, 'Lived experience, social support, and challenges to health service use during the COVID-19 pandemic among HIV key populations in Indonesia', BMC Health Services Research, 24,
Mashuri YA; Boettiger D; Wahyuningtias SD; Negara SNS; Subronto YW; Liverani M; Wulandari LPL; Ahmad RA; Thabrany H; Fardousi N; Kaldor J; Probandari A; Wiseman V, 2024, '"i pity the TB patient": A mixed methods study assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on TB services in two major Indonesian cities and distilling lessons for the future', BMJ Global Health, 9,
Wulandari LPL; Lubis DS; Kurniati DPY; Sumintang K; Ardrini DAM; Mariani P; Januraga PP; Camellia A; Laksmi NMDP; Mahmudah L; Ong JJ; Causer L; Liverani M; Guy R; Wiseman V, 2024, 'Challenges to integrating programs for the elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis B into antenatal care: Experiences from Indonesia', PLOS Global Public Health, 4,
Zhang Y; Holt M; Chan C; Applegate TL; Bavinton BR; Broady TR; Keen P; Wulandari LPL; Mao L; McManus H; Medland NA; Prestage G; Wiseman V; Guy RJ, 2023, 'National Surveillance of Home-Based HIV Testing Among Australian Gay and Bisexual Men, 2018–2020: Uptake After Commercial Availability of HIV Self-Tests', AIDS and Behavior, 27, pp. 4106 - 4113,
Wulandari LPL; Sawitri AAS; Hermansyah A, 2022, 'The potential roles of pharmacy medication sales data to augment the syndromic surveillance system in response to COVID-19 and preparedness for other future infectious disease outbreaks in Indonesia', International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 37, pp. 30 - 39,
Purnama SG; Susanna D; Achmadi UF; Eryando T; Wulandari LPL, 2022, 'Attitude towards dengue control efforts with the potential of digital technology during COVID-19: partial least squares-structural equation modeling', F1000Research, 11,
Khan M; Rahman-Shepherd A; Bory S; Chhorn S; Durrance-Bagale A; Hasan R; Heng S; Phou S; Prien C; Probandari A; Saphonn V; Suy S; Wiseman V; Wulandari LPL; Hanefeld J, 2022, 'How conflicts of interest hinder effective regulation of healthcare: an analysis of antimicrobial use regulation in Cambodia, Indonesia and Pakistan', BMJ Global Health, 7,
Mashuri YA; Wulandari LPL; Khan M; Ferdiana A; Probandari A; Wibawa T; Batura N; Liverani M; Day R; Jan S; Schierhout G; Wahyono D; Yulianto ; Kaldor J; Guy R; Law M; Yeung S; Wiseman V, 2022, 'The response to COVID-19 among drug retail outlets in Indonesia: A cross-sectional survey of knowledge, attitudes, and practices', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 22,
Wirawan GBS; Wardhani BDK; Pradnyani PE; Nurhalina A; Sulaiman N; Sukmaningrum E; Wulandari LPL; Januraga PP, 2022, 'Behavioral Changes, Adaptation, and Supports among Indonesian Female Sex Workers Facing Dual Risk of COVID-19 and HIV in a Pandemic', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19,
Wulandari LPL; Khan M; Probandari A; Batura N; Ferdiana A; Mashuri YA; Wibawa T; Daraninggar D; Dewi BK; Day R; Jan S; Schierhout G; Yeung S; Wiseman V; Liverani M, 2022, '“We face the same risk as the other health workers”: Perceptions and experiences of community pharmacists in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic', PLOS Global Public Health, 17,
Wulandari LPL; He SY; Fairley CK; Bavinton BR; Marie-Schmidt H; Wiseman V; Guy R; Tang W; Zhang L; Ong JJ, 2022, 'Preferences for pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV: A systematic review of discrete choice experiments', eClinicalMedicine, 51,
Trinos JPCRD; Wulandari LPL; Clarke N; Belizario V; Kaldor J; Nery SV, 2021, 'Prevalence of soil-transmitted helminth infections, schistosomiasis, and lymphatic filariasis before and after preventive chemotherapy initiation in the Philippines: A systematic review and meta-analysis', PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 15,
Cuevas C; Batura N; Wulandari LPL; Khan M; Wiseman V, 2021, 'Improving antibiotic use through behaviour change: A systematic review of interventions evaluated in low- And middle-income countries', Health Policy and Planning, 36, pp. 754 - 773,
Ferdiana A; Liverani M; Khan M; Wulandari LPL; Mashuri YA; Batura N; Wibawa T; Yeung S; Day R; Jan S; Wiseman V; Probandari A, 2021, 'Community pharmacies, drug stores, and antibiotic dispensing in Indonesia: a qualitative study', BMC Public Health, 21,
Eustaquio PC; Docken SS; Leyritana KT; Wulandari LPL, 2021, 'HIV care cascade among cisgender men who have sex with men in a key population-led community center in the Philippines', International Journal of STD and AIDS, 32, pp. 718 - 728,
Wulandari LPL; Khan M; Liverani M; Ferdiana A; Mashuri YA; Probandari A; Wibawa T; Batura N; Schierhout G; Kaldor J; Guy R; Law M; Day R; Hanefeld J; Parathon H; Jan S; Yeung S; Wiseman V, 2021, 'Prevalence and determinants of inappropriate antibiotic dispensing at private drug retail outlets in urban and rural areas of Indonesia: A mixed methods study', BMJ Global Health, 6,
Cuevas C; Batura N; Wulandari LPL; Khan M; Wiseman V, 2021, 'Corrigendum to: improving antibiotic use through behaviour change: a systematic review of interventions evaluated in low- and middle-income countries', Health policy and planning, 36, pp. 1237,
Wulandari LPL; Adimantara IM; Nopiyani NMS; Septarini NW, 2020, 'Understanding why people who inject drugs in Indonesia are disengaged from HIV testing and treatment: gaps in the HIV treatment cascade', Journal of Substance Use, 25, pp. 398 - 404,
Hermansyah A; Wulandari L; Kristina SA; Meilianti S, 2020, 'Primary health care policy and vision for community pharmacy and pharmacists in indonesia', Pharmacy Practice, 18, pp. 1 - 12,
Wulandari LPL; Kaldor J; Guy R, 2020, 'Uptake and acceptability of assisted and unassisted HIV self-testing among men who purchase sex in brothels in Indonesia: A pilot intervention study', BMC Public Health, 20, pp. 730,
Wulandari LPL; Guy R; Kaldor J, 2020, 'The burden of HIV infection among men who purchase sex in low- And middle-income countries – a systematic review and meta-analysis', PLoS ONE, 15, pp. e0238639,
Wulandari LPL; Guy R; Kaldor J, 2020, 'Systematic Review of Interventions to Reduce HIV Risk Among Men Who Purchase Sex in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Outcomes, Lessons Learned, and Opportunities for Future Interventions', AIDS and Behavior, 24, pp. 3414 - 3435,
Wulandari LPL; Ruddick A; Guy R; Kaldor J, 2019, '“Self-testing sounds more private, rather than going to the clinic and everybody will find out”: Facilitators and barriers regarding HIV testing among men who purchase sex in Bali, Indonesia', PLoS ONE, 14, pp. e0214987,
Wulandari LPL; Lubis DSM; Widarini P; Widyanthini DN; Wirawan IMA; Wirawan DN, 2019, 'HIV testing uptake among pregnant women attending private midwife clinics: challenges of scaling up universal HIV testing at the private sectors in Indonesia', International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 34, pp. 1399 - 1407,
Wiseman V; Lagarde M; Kovacs R; Wulandari LPL; Powell-Jackson T; King J; Goodman C; Hanson K; Miller R; Xu D; Liverani M; Yeung S; Hompashe D; Khan M; Burger R; Christian CS; Blaauw D, 2019, 'Using unannounced standardised patients to obtain data on quality of care in low-income and middle-income countries: Key challenges and opportunities', BMJ Global Health, 4, pp. e001908,
Wulandari LPL; Kaldor J; Januraga PP, 2018, 'High condom use but low HIV testing uptake reported by men who purchase sex in Bali, Indonesia', AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 30, pp. 1215 - 1222,
Wulandari LPL; Wiseman V, 2018, 'Engaging the private sector to improve antimicrobial use in the community', Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive, 6, pp. 79 - 81,
Utami S; Sawitri AAS; Wulandari LPL; Artawan Eka Putra IWG; Astuti PAS; Wirawan DN; Causer L; Mathers B, 2017, 'Mortality among people living with HIV on antiretroviral treatment in Bali, Indonesia: incidence and predictors', International Journal of STD and AIDS, 28, pp. 1199 - 1207,
Adnyani S; S. S; L. W; A. S; E.P. A; J. R; N. W, 2016, 'Factors associated with zidovudine substitution in HIV/AIDS patients attending Badung Hospital, Bali, Indonesia between 2006-2014', International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, pp. 5028 - 5033,
Januraga PP; Wulandari LPL; Muliawan P; Sawitri S; Causer L; Wirawan DN; Kaldor JM, 2013, 'Sharply rising prevalence of HIV infection in Bali: A critical assessment of the surveillance data', International Journal of STD and AIDS, 24, pp. 633 - 637,
Wulandari L; Craig P; Whelan AM, 2013, 'Foetal Health Locus of Control and iron supplementation adherence among pregnant women in Bali', Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 31, pp. 94 - 101,
Wulandari L; Whelan AM, 2011, 'Beliefs, attitudes and behaviours of pregnant women in Bali', Midwifery, 27, pp. 867 - 871,
Sukmaningrum E; Levy J; Negara MD; N/A D; Wardhani BDK; Wulandari LPL; Januraga PP, 2023, Lived Experience, Social Support, and Challenges to Health Service Use during the COVID-19 Pandemic among HIV Key Populations in Indonesia.,
Ferdiana A; Liverani M; Khan M; Wulandari LPL; Mashuri YA; Batura N; Wibawa T; Yeung S; Day R; Jan S; Wiseman V; Probandari A, 2021, Community Pharmacies, Drug Stores, and Antibiotic Dispensing in Indonesia: A Qualitative Study,

WHO Indonesia RFP-094 (2020)

Kirby Institute Emerging Investigator Award (2019)