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Clinical Project Coordinator

Miss Katherine Ognenovska

PhD, BSc

+61 (02) 9348 0280
Jensen TO; Grandits GA; Jain MK; Murray TA; Grund B; Shaw-Saliba K; Matthay MA; Abassi M; Ardelt M; Baker JV; Chen P; Dewar RL; Goodman AL; Hatlen TJ; Highbarger HC; Holodniy M; Lallemand P; Laverdure S; Leshnower BG; Looney D; Moschopoulos CD; Mugerwa H; Murray DD; Mylonakis E; Nagy-Agren S; Tauseef Rehman M; Rupert A; Stevens RA; Turville S; Weintrob A; Wick K; Lundgren J; Ko ER, 2024, 'Effect of Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody Treatment on Early Trajectories of Virologic and Immunologic Biomarkers in Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 229, pp. 671 - 679,
Aggarwal NR; Nordwall J; Braun DL; Chung L; Coslet J; Der T; Eriobu N; Ginde AA; Hayanga AJ; Highbarger H; Holodniy M; Horcajada JP; Jain MK; Kim K; Laverdure S; Lundgren J; Natarajan V; Nguyen HH; Pett SL; Phillips A; Poulakou G; Price DA; Robinson P; Rogers AJ; Sandkovsky U; Shaw-Saliba K; Sturek JM; Trautner BW; Waters M; Reilly C; ACTIV-3/TICO Study Group , 2024, 'Viral and Host Factors Are Associated With Mortality in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19.', Clin Infect Dis, 78, pp. 1490 - 1503,
Jensen TO; Murray TA; Grandits GA; Jain MK; Grund B; Shaw-Saliba K; Matthay MA; Abassi M; Ardelt M; Baker JV; Chen P; Dewar RL; Goodman AL; Hatlen TJ; Highbarger HC; Holodniy M; Lallemand P; Laverdure S; Leshnower BG; Looney D; Moschopoulos CD; Mugerwa H; Murray DD; Mylonakis E; Nagy-Agren S; Rehman MT; Rupert A; Stevens R; Turville S; Weintrob A; Wick K; Lundgren J; Ko ER; Sahner D; Tierney J; Vogel SE; Herpin BR; Smolskis MC; McKay LA; Cahill K; Crew P; Sardana R; Raim SS; Hensely L; Lorenzo J; Mock R; Zuckerman J; Atri N; Miller M; Vallee D; Chung L; Kang N; Barrett K; Adam SJ; Read S; Draghia-Akli R; Currier J; Hughes E; Harrigan RH; Amos L; Carlsen A; Carter A; Collins G; Davis B; Denning E; DuChene A; Eckroth K; Engen N; Frase A; Gandits G; Harrison M; Hurlbut N; Kaiser P; Koopmeiners J; Larson G; Meger S; Mistry SS; Murray T; Nelson R; Quan K; Quan SF; Reilly C; Siegel L; Thompson G; Vock D; Walski J; Gelijns AC; Moskowitz AJ; Bagiella E; Moquete E; O'Sullivan K; Marks ME; Accardi E; Kinzel E; Burris S; Bedoya G; Gupta L; Overbey JR; Santos M; Gillinov MA, 2024, 'Early trajectories of virological and immunological biomarkers and clinical outcomes in patients admitted to hospital for COVID-19: an international, prospective cohort study', The Lancet Microbe, 5, pp. e559 - e569,
Reilly C; Mylonakis E; Dewar R; Young B; Nordwall J; Bhagani S; Chia P-Y; Davis R; Files C; Ginde AA; Hatlen T; Helleberg M; Hayanga A; Jensen TO; Jain MK; Kalomenidis I; Kim K; Lallemand P; Lindegaard B; Menon A; Ognenovska K; Poulakou G; Roge BT; Rogers AJ; Shaw-Saliba K; Sandkovsky U; Trautner BW; Vasudeva SS; Vekstein A; Viens K; Wyncoll J; Duchateau B; Zhang Z; Wu S; Babiker AG; Davey V; Gelijns A; Higgs E; Kan V; Lundgren J; Matthews G; Lane HC, 2024, 'Evaluation of the Feasibility and Efficacy of Point-of-Care Antibody Tests for Biomarker-Guided Management of Coronavirus Disease 2019', JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES,
Brown SM; Barkauskas CE; Grund B; Sharma S; Phillips AN; Leither L; Peltan ID; Lanspa M; Gilstrap DL; Mourad A; Lane K; Beitler JR; Serra AL; Garcia I; Almasri E; Fayed M; Hubel K; Harris ES; Middleton EA; Barrios MAG; Mathews KS; Goel NN; Acquah S; Mosier J; Hypes C; Salvagio Campbell E; Khan A; Hough CL; Wilson JG; Levitt JE; Duggal A; Dugar S; Goodwin AJ; Terry C; Chen P; Torbati S; Iyer N; Sandkovsky US; Johnson NJ; Robinson BRH; Matthay MA; Aggarwal NR; Douglas IS; Casey JD; Hache-Marliere M; Georges Youssef J; Nkemdirim W; Leshnower B; Awan O; Pannu S; O'Mahony DS; Manian P; Awori Hayanga JW; Wortmann GW; Tomazini BM; Miller RF; Jensen JU; Murray DD; Bickell NA; Zatakia J; Burris S; Higgs ES; Natarajan V; Dewar RL; Schechner A; Kang N; Arenas-Pinto A; Hudson F; Ginde AA; Self WH; Rogers AJ; Oldmixon CF; Morin H; Sanchez A; Weintrob AC; Cavalcanti AB; Davis-Karim A; Engen N; Denning E; Taylor Thompson B; Gelijns AC; Kan V; Davey VJ; Lundgren JD; Babiker AG; Neaton JD; Lane HC; Tierney J; Vogel SE; McNay LA; Cahill K; Crew P; Sardana R; Segal Raim S; Shaw-Saliba K; Atri N; Miller M; Vallee D; Chung L; Delph Y, 2023, 'Intravenous aviptadil and remdesivir for treatment of COVID-19-associated hypoxaemic respiratory failure in the USA (TESICO): a randomised, placebo-controlled trial', The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 11, pp. 791 - 803,
Law H; Mach M; Howe A; Obeid S; Milner B; Carey C; Elfis M; Fsadni B; Ognenovska K; Phan TG; Carey D; Xu Y; Venturi V; Zaunders J; Kelleher AD; Munier CML, 2022, 'Early expansion of CD38+ICOS+ GC Tfh in draining lymph nodes during influenza vaccination immune response', iScience, 25, pp. 103656,
Mylonakis E, 2022, 'Efficacy and Safety of Ensovibep for Adults Hospitalized With COVID-19 A Randomized Controlled Trial', Annals of Internal Medicine, 175, pp. 1266 - 1274,
Rogers AJ; Wentworth D; Phillips A; Shaw-Saliba K; Dewar RL; Aggarwal NR; Babiker AG; Chang W; Dharan NJ; Davey VJ; Higgs ES; Gerry N; Ginde AA; Hayanga JWA; Highbarger H; Highbarger JL; Jain MK; Kan V; Kim K; Lallemand P; Leshnower BG; Lutaakome JK; Matthews G; Mourad A; Mylonakis E; Natarajan V; Padilla ML; Pandit LM; Paredes R; Pett S; Ramachandruni S; Rehman MT; Sherman BT; Files DC; Brown SM; Matthay MA; Thompson BT; Neaton JD; Lane HC; Lundgren JD, 2022, 'The Association of Baseline Plasma SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid Antigen Level and Outcomes in Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19', Annals of Internal Medicine, 175, pp. 1401 - 1410,
Dharan NJ; Yeh P; Bloch M; Yeung MM; Baker D; Guinto J; Roth N; Ftouni S; Ognenovska K; Smith D; Hoy JF; Woolley I; Pell C; Templeton DJ; Fraser N; Rose N; Hutchinson J; Petoumenos K; Dawson SJ; Polizzotto MN; Dawson MA; Vincent T; Rosario R; Lau H; Smith D; Price S; O’Brien J; Tan HTL; Sinclair B; Bascombe F, 2021, 'HIV is associated with an increased risk of age-related clonal hematopoiesis among older adults', Nature Medicine, 27, pp. 1006 - 1011,
Schwanz LE; Sherwin WB; Ognenovska K; Lacey EA, 2016, 'Paternity and male mating strategies of a ground squirrel (Ictidomys parvidens) with an extended mating season', Journal of Mammalogy, 97, pp. 576 - 588,
Dharan N; Yeh P; Bloch M; Yeung M; Baker D; Guinto J; Roth N; Ftouni S; Ognenovska K; Smith D; Hoy J; Woolley I; Pell C; Templeton D; Fraser N; Rose N; Hutchinson J; Petoumenos K; Dawson S-J; Polizzotto M; Dawson M; for the ARCHIVE Study Group , 2020, Age-related clonal haematopoiesis is more prevalent in older adults with HIV: the ARCHIVE study,
Dawson M; Dharan N; Yeh P; Bloch M; Yeung M; Baker D; Guinto J; Roth N; Ftouni S; Ognenovska K; Smith D; Hoy J; Woolley I; Pell C; Templeton D; Fraser N; Rose N; Hutchinson J; Petoumenos K; Dawson S-J; Polizzotto M, 2020, Age-related clonal haematopoiesis is more prevalent in older adults with HIV: the ARCHIVE study,
Ognenovska K; Klemm V; Ledger S; Turville S; Symonds G; D. Kelleher A; L. Ahlenstiel C, 2019, 'Mechanisms for Controlling HIV-1 Infection: A Gene Therapy Approach', in In Vivo and Ex Vivo Gene Therapy for Inherited and Non-Inherited Disorders, IntechOpen,