Erin is the Project Manager on the Third Australian Study of Health and Relationships (ASHR3) as part of the Surveillance and Evaluation Research Program (SERP). Erin first joined the Kirby Institute in 2014 and has since been a member of the HIV Epidemiology and Prevention Program (HEPP) and Biostatistics and Databases Program (BDP). Other projects Erin has worked on at the Kirby Institute include the Expanded PrEP Implementation in Communities in NSW (EPIC-NSW), Western Australian Pre-exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Implementation Trial (PrEPIT-WA), Australian HIV Observational Database (AHOD), and HIV Early Test and Treat Indonesia (HATI).

Project Manager
Ms Erin Ogilvie
BA, MPH: Global Health, George Mason University, VA, USA
- Publications
- Research activities
Conference Abstracts
Vaccher S; Amin J; Guy R; Jin F; Selvey C; Zablotska-Manos I; Holden J; Price K; Yeung B; Levitt G; Ogilvie E; McNulty A; Smith D; Cooper D; Grulich A, 2018, 'Baseline preferences for daily and non-daily PrEP dosing in EPIC-NSW', in Australasian HIV and AIDS Conference Handbook, Sydney, Australia, presented at Australasian HIV and AIDS Conference, Sydney, Australia, 26 September 2018,
Conference Presentations
McManus H; Grulich AE; Amin J; Watchers-Smith L; Selvey C; Zablotska I; Vaccher S; Jin F; Holden J; Price K; Yeung B; Cabrera Quichua G; Ogilvie E; McNulty A; Smith D; Cooper DA; Guy RJ, 2018, 'STI TRENDS IN A COHORT OF HIGH-RISK GAY AND BISEXUAL MEN BEFORE AND AFTER RAPID SCALE UP OF HIV PRE-EXPOSURE PROPHYLAXIS IN NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA: THE EPIC-NSW STUDY', presented at Joint Australiasian HIV and AIDS + Sexual Health Conferneces, Sydney, NSW Australia, 24 September 2018,
Research activities
Broad Research Interest Areas:
Public health, global health, sexual and reproductive health, HIV, STIs, marginalised populations, health promotion.