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Adjunct Senior Lecturer

Dr Christopher Andersen

BSc (Hon1), BA, MBBS (Hon), MClinTRes, PhD, FCICM

Soares J; Leung C; Campbell V; Van Der Vegt A; Malycha J; Andersen C, 2024, 'Intensive care unit admission criteria: a scoping review', Journal of the Intensive Care Society, 25, pp. 296 - 307,
Hastak P; Cromer D; Malycha J; Andersen CR; Raith E; Davenport MP; Plummer M; Sasson SC, 2024, 'Defining the correlates of lymphopenia and independent predictors of poor clinical outcome in adults hospitalized with COVID-19 in Australia', Scientific Reports, 14,
Andersen CR; Presseau J; Shea B; Marti ML; McCoy M; Fernie G; McIntyre L; Delaney A; Chassé M; Saigle V; Marshall S; Fergusson DA; Graham I; Brehaut J; Turgeon AF; Lauzier F; Tugwell P; Zha X; Talbot P; Muscedere J; Marshall JC; Thavorn K; Griesdale D; English SW; Lucas B, 2024, 'What to Measure in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Haemorrhage Research—An International Delphi Survey', Translational Stroke Research,
Venkatesh K; Glenn H; Delaney A; Andersen CR; Sasson SC, 2023, 'Fire in the belly: A scoping review of the immunopathological mechanisms of acute pancreatitis', Frontiers in Immunology, 13,
Barreto SG; Kaambwa B; Venkatesh K; Sasson SC; Andersen C; Delaney A; Bihari S; Pilcher D, 2023, 'Mortality and costs related to severe acute pancreatitis in the intensive care units of Australia and New Zealand (ANZ), 2003–2020', Pancreatology, 23, pp. 341 - 349,
Galea I; Bandyopadhyay S; Bulters D; Humar R; Hugelshofer M; Schaer DJ; Abdulazim A; Alalade AF; Alexander SA; Amaro S; Amin-Hanjani S; Andersen CR; Anderson C; Anstey MH; Balla J; Bankole NDA; Bellapart J; Bhagat H; Blackburn SL; Brechmann M; Buehler PW; Burkhardt JK; Chen Y; Cohen J; Cooper PD; Coulthard LG; Cuadrado-Godia E; Dalton J; Delaney A; Doré S; Downer J; Dye J; Fernandez-Perez I; Flower O; Fülesdi B; Gaastra B; Gaberel T; Galea J; Gankpe GF; Garland P; Gentinetta T; Gram M; Graversen JH; Grover PJ; Guisado-Alonso D; Hasan D; Helmy A; Höhne J; Charlotte Hostettler I; Hrishi AP; Iihara K; Irwin DC; Jangra K; Jiménez-O'shanahan A; Keep RF; Koch M; Korja M; Kumar M; Llull L; Loan JJM; Lopez-Gonzalez M; Loch MacDonald R; Mahajan S; Martí-Fàbregas J; Medina-Suárez J; Moestrup S; More J; Morgan E; Muthuchellappan R; Nyquist P; Sosa Pérez C; Pillai P; Plesnila N; Javier Provencio J; Raith E; Ramos-Pachón A; Raymond SB; Regli L; Ruigrok YM; Saharan P; Samaniego EA; Schubert GA; Seppelt I; Sriganesh K; Suarez JI; Taylor J; Terpolilli NA; Testai FD; Tolosano E; Toma AK; On Tsang AC; Udy AA; Vallelian F; Vargas-Caballero M; Vercellotti GM; Vergouwen MDI; Waak M; Warming H; Whitfield PC; Kwok-Chu Wong G, 2023, 'Haptoglobin Treatment for Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Review and Expert Consensus on Clinical Translation', Stroke, 54, pp. 1930 - 1942,
Dharan NJ; Sasson SC; Ahlenstiel G; Andersen CR; Bloch M; Buckland G; Hamad N; Han WM; Kelleher AD; Long GV; Matthews GV; Mina MM; Papot E; Petoumenos K; Swaminathan S; Withers B; Yun J; Polizzotto MN, 2023, 'Clinical and laboratory features of COVID-19 illness and outcomes in immunocompromised individuals during the first pandemic wave in Sydney, Australia', PLoS ONE, 18,
Andersen CR; English SW; Delaney A, 2022, 'Made to measure—Selecting outcomes in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage research', Frontiers in Neurology, 13,
Hastak PS; Andersen CR; Kelleher AD; Sasson SC, 2022, 'Frontline workers: Mediators of mucosal immunity in community acquired pneumonia and COVID-19', Frontiers in Immunology, 13,
Andersen CR; Presseau J; Saigle V; Fitzgerald E; Lamanna M; Talbot P; Delaney A; English SW, 2022, 'Prioritizing outcome measures after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: A q-sort survey of patients, health care providers and researchers', Frontiers in Neurology, 13,
Quinn L; Tian DH; Fitzgerald E; Flower O; Andersen C; Hammond N; Davidson K; Delaney A, 2020, 'The association between hyponatraemia and long-term functional outcome in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage: A single centre prospective cohort study', Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 78, pp. 353 - 359,
Andersen CR; Fitzgerald E; Delaney A; Finfer S, 2019, 'A Systematic Review of Outcome Measures Employed in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (aSAH) Clinical Research', Neurocritical Care, 30, pp. 534 - 541,
Andersen CR; Presseau J; Saigle V; Etminan N; Vergouwen MDI; English SW, 2019, 'Core outcomes for subarachnoid haemorrhage', The Lancet Neurology, 18, pp. 1075 - 1076,
Munier CM; Andersen CR; Kelleher , 2011, 'HIV vaccines: Progress to date', Drugs, 71, pp. 387 - 414,
Dharan NJ; Sasson SC; Ahlenstiel G; Andersen CR; Bloch M; Buckland G; Hamad N; Han WM; Kelleher AD; Long GV; Matthews GV; Mina MM; Papot E; Petoumenos K; Swaminathan S; Withers B; Yun J; Polizzotto MN, 2023, Clinical and laboratory features of COVID-19 illness and outcomes in immunocompromised individuals during the first pandemic wave in Sydney, Australia,

Medical Research Future Fund, Clinical Trials Activity 2022 CI $AUD 1 999 834, FLASH Trial - Fludrocortisone in ICU patients with aneurysmal Subarachnoid Haemorrhage

Canadian Institute of Health Research Spring 2024 Grant Round Co Principal Investigator $CAD726 752. Establishing an International Core Outcome Set in SAH

UNSW Triple I Grant 2023, Co-Investigator $AUD 75 000  Immune mechanisms of direct and indirect lung injury 

UNSW Resource Infrastructure Scheme (RIS) 2023 Co-investigator $AUD 300 000 BD Rhapsody Single Cell Analysis System 

NSW Health Statewide Biobank 2022 Biospecimens Collection Grant Round 3 Principal Investigator $AUD50 000 Critical Illness, Inflammation and Immunology Biobank (CI3 Biobank) 

NSW Health Statewide Biobank 2022 Biospecimens Collection Grant Round 3 Co Investigator $AUD50 000 Australian Brain Injury Biobank 

The Ottawa Hospital Academic Medical Organization (TOHAMO) 2021, Innovation Fund Grant Principal Investigator $CAD 100 000 Establishing an International Core Outcome Set in SAH 

Canadian Institute of Health Research 2020, Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) Co Investigator $CAD100 000, Establishing an International Core Outcome Set in SAH

Medical Research Future Fund 2019 International Clinical Trial Collaborators Program Co Investigator $AUD 902 752 SAHaRA Trial - Haemoglobin Thresholds in Subarachnoid Haemorrhage

Oxford University Medical Sciences Division 2019 Pump Priming Grant - Co-Principal Investigator £GBP 9469 ImmuneCAP - Immune responses in Community Acquired Pneumonia

Intensive Care Foundation (Australia) 2019 Project Grant - Principal Investigator $AUD 24 500 Tissue resident memory cells in community acquired pneumonia