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Senior Lecturer

Dr Caroline Watts

BA(Hons),MPH, PhD

02 9385 0951
Kirby Institute, Level 6, Wallace Wurth Building, UNSW Sydney
Dempsey K; Ho G; Lo SN; McKeown J; Watts CG; Cust AE; Guitera P; Scolyer RA; Thompson JF; Morton RL; Menzies S; Madronio C; Mann G, 2025, 'Variation in initial biopsy technique for primary melanoma diagnosis: A population-based cohort study in New South Wales, Australia', JAAD International, 18, pp. 90 - 100,
Ni Y; Watts CG; Scolyer RA; Madronio C; Armstrong BK; Morton RL; Menzies SW; Mann GJ; Thompson JF; Cust AE; Lo SN, 2024, 'Prognosis for people with multiple primary melanomas compared with a single primary melanoma', Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 90, pp. 170 - 174,
Salam RA; Lo SN; Varey AHR; Spillane AJ; Henderson MA; Scolyer RA; Mar VJ; Thompson JF; Saw RPM; van Akkooi ACJ; Stretch JR; Button-Sloan A; Hong A; Morton RL; Watts CG; Smith AL; Cust AE, 2024, 'Impact of an online risk prediction tool for sentinel node metastasis on clinical decision-making in melanoma care: A mixed methods study', Surgical Oncology Insight, 1, pp. 100111 - 100111,
delos Trinos JPC; Coffeng LE; Garcia F; Belizario V; Wiseman V; Watts C; Vaz Nery S, 2024, 'Cost and budget impact of mass drug administration compared to expanded school-based targeted preventive chemotherapy for soil-transmitted helminth control in Zamboanga Peninsula, the Philippines', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 50,
Goldsbury D; McCarthy D; Watts C; So C; Wawryk O; Kearney C; Reyes-Marcelino G; McLoughlin K; Emery J; Cust A, 2024, 'Skin checks for potential skin cancers in general practice in Victoria, Australia: the upfront and downstream patterns and costs', Public Health Research & Practice,
Miao P; Terris-Prestholt F; Fairley CK; Tucker JD; Wiseman V; Mayaud P; Zhang Y; Rowley J; Gottlieb S; Korenromp EL; Watts CG; Ong JJ, 2024, 'Ignored and undervalued in public health: a systematic review of health state utility values associated with syphilis infection', Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 22,
So C; Mccarthy D; Watts CG; Kearney C; Reyes-Marcelino G; Goldsbury DE; Mcloughlin K; Emery J; Cust AE, 2023, 'Diagnostic biopsies of suspected skin cancer in general practice from 2010 to 2017 in Victoria, Australia', British Journal of Dermatology, 188, pp. 560 - 561,
Reyes-Marcelino G; McLoughlin K; Harrison C; Watts CG; Kang YJ; Aranda S; Aitken JF; Guitera P; Cust AE, 2023, 'Skin cancer-related conditions managed in general practice in Australia, 2000-2016: A nationally representative, cross-sectional survey', BMJ Open, 13,
Blake SC; Guitera P; Cust AE; Galea C; Lo SN; Scolyer RA; Armstrong BK; Thompson JF; Menzies SW; Madronio C; Morton RL; Mann GJ; Watts CG, 2023, 'The association of dermatologist demographic density with melanoma survival in New South Wales, Australia', Australasian Journal of Dermatology, 64, pp. 425 - 429,
Dunlop KLA; Keogh LA; Smith AL; Aranda S; Aitken J; Watts CG; Smit AK; Janda M; Mann GJ; Cust AE; Rankin NM, 2023, 'Acceptability and appropriateness of a risk-tailored organised melanoma screening program: Qualitative interviews with key informants', PLoS ONE, 18,
Caesar delos Trinos JP; Ng-Nguyen D; Coffeng LE; Dyer CEF; Clarke N; Traub R; Halton K; Wiseman V; Watts C; Nery SV, 2023, 'Cost and cost-effectiveness analysis of mass drug administration compared to school-based targeted preventive chemotherapy for hookworm control in Dak Lak province, Vietnam', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 41,
Ni Y; Watts CG; Scolyer RA; Madronio C; Armstrong BK; Morton RL; Menzies SW; Mann GJ; Thompson JF; Lo SN; Cust AE, 2023, 'Risk of developing a second primary melanoma after a first primary melanoma in a population-based Australian cohort', British Journal of Dermatology, 188, pp. 814 - 816,
Causer L; Liu B; Watts C; McManus H; Donovan B; Ward J; Guy R, 2022, 'Hospitalisations for pelvic inflammatory disease in young Aboriginal women living in remote Australia: The role of chlamydia and gonorrhoea', Sexually Transmitted Infections, 98, pp. 445 - 447,
Smith AL; Watts CG; Henderson M; Long GV; Rapport F; Saw RPM; Scolyer RA; Spillane AJ; Thompson JF; Cust AE, 2022, 'Factors influencing acceptance, adoption and adherence to sentinel node biopsy recommendations in the Australian Melanoma Management Guidelines: a qualitative study using an implementation science framework', Implementation Science Communications, 3,
Gordon LG; Shih S; Watts C; Goldsbury D; Green AC, 2022, 'The economics of skin cancer prevention with implications for Australia and New Zealand: where are we now?', Public Health Research and Practice, 32,
Barth DD; Cinanni G; Carapetis JR; Wyber R; Causer L; Watts C; Hengel B; Matthews S; Ralph AP; Pickering J; Cannon JW; Anderson L; Wade V; Guy RJ; Bowen AC, 2022, 'Roadmap to incorporating group A Streptococcus molecular point-of-care testing for remote Australia: a key activity to eliminate rheumatic heart disease', Medical Journal of Australia, 217, pp. 279 - 282,
Watts C; Spillane A; Henderson MA; Cust A; Braithwaite J; Gyorki DE; Hong AM; Kelly JW; Long GV; Mar VJ; Menzies AM; Morton RL; Rapport F; Saw RPM; Schmid H; Scolyer RA; Smith AL; Winder A; Mann GJ, 2022, 'Sentinel lymph node biopsy rates in Victoria, 2018 and 2019', Medical Journal of Australia, 217, pp. 208 - 209,
Watts C; Atieli H; Alacapa J; Lee M-C; Zhou G; Githeko A; Yan G; Wiseman V, 2021, 'Rethinking the Economic Costs of Hospitalisation for Malaria: Accounting for the Comorbidities of Malaria Patients in Western Kenya', ,
So C; Cust AE; Gordon LG; Morton RL; Canfell K; Ngo P; Dieng M; McLoughlin K; Watts C, 2021, 'Health utilities for non-melanoma skin cancers and pre-cancerous lesions: A systematic review', Skin Health and Disease, 1,
Guitera P; Menzies SW; Coates E; Azzi A; Fernandez-Penas P; Lilleyman A; Badcock C; Schmid H; Watts CG; Collgros H; Liu R; Van Kemenade C; Mann GJ; Cust AE, 2021, 'Efficiency of Detecting New Primary Melanoma among Individuals Treated in a High-risk Clinic for Skin Surveillance', JAMA Dermatology, 157, pp. 521 - 530,
Watts C; Atieli H; Alacapa J; Lee MC; Zhou G; Githeko A; Yan G; Wiseman V, 2021, 'Rethinking the economic costs of hospitalization for malaria: accounting for the comorbidities of malaria patients in western Kenya', Malaria Journal, 20,
Watts CG; McLoughlin K; Goumas C; Van Kemenade CH; Aitken JF; Soyer HP; Fernandez Peñas P; Guitera P; Scolyer RA; Morton RL; Menzies SW; Caruana M; Kang YJ; Mann GJ; Chakera AH; Madronio CM; Armstrong BK; Thompson JF; Cust AE, 2021, 'Association between Melanoma Detected during Routine Skin Checks and Mortality', JAMA Dermatology, 157, pp. 1425 - 1436,
Hengel B; Causer L; Matthews S; Smith K; Andrewartha K; Badman S; Spaeth B; Tangey A; Cunningham P; Saha A; Phillips E; Ward J; Watts C; King J; Applegate T; Shephard M; Guy R, 2021, 'A decentralised point-of-care testing model to address inequities in the COVID-19 response', The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 21, pp. e183 - e190,
Smith AL; Watts CG; Robinson S; Schmid H; Goumas C; Mar VJ; Thompson JF; Rapport F; Cust AE; Braithwaite J; Gyorki DE; Henderson M; Hong AM; Kelly JW; Long GV; Menzies AM; Morton RL; Saw RPM; Scolyer RA; Spillane AJ; Mann GJ, 2021, 'Knowledge and attitudes of Australian dermatologists towards sentinel lymph node biopsy for melanoma: a mixed methods study', Australasian Journal of Dermatology, 62, pp. 168 - 176,
Tran AD; Fogarty G; Nowak AK; Diaby V; Hong A; Watts C; Morton RL, 2020, 'Cost-Effectiveness of Subsequent Whole-Brain Radiotherapy or Hippocampal-Avoidant Whole-Brain Radiotherapy Versus Stereotactic Radiosurgery or Surgery Alone for Treatment of Melanoma Brain Metastases', Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 18, pp. 679 - 687,
Watts CG; Smith AL; Robinson S; Chang CH; Goumas C; Schmid H; Kelly JW; Hong AM; Scolyer RA; Long GV; Spillane AJ; Henderson M; Gyorki DE; Mar VJ; Morton RL; Saw RPM; Varey AH; Mann GJ; Thompson JF; Cust AE, 2020, 'Australian general practitioners’ attitudes and knowledge of sentinel lymph node biopsy in melanoma management', Australian Journal of General Practice, 49, pp. 355 - 362,
Rapport F; Smith AL; Cust AE; Mann GJ; Watts CG; Gyorki DE; Henderson M; Hong AM; Kelly JW; Long GV; Mar VJ; Morton RL; Saw RPM; Scolyer RA; Spillane AJ; Thompson JF; Braithwaite J, 2020, 'Identifying challenges to implementation of clinical practice guidelines for sentinel lymph node biopsy in patients with melanoma in Australia: Protocol paper for a mixed methods study', BMJ Open, 10,
Smith AL; Watts CG; Robinson S; Schmid H; Chang CH; Thompson JF; Rapport F; Cust AE, 2020, 'GPs' involvement in diagnosing, treating, and referring patients with suspected or confirmed primary cutaneous melanoma: A qualitative study', BJGP Open, 4,
Guitera P; Collgros H; Madronio CM; Goumas C; Mann GJ; Watts CG; Pereira AR; Armstrong BK; Drummond M; Morton RL; Scolyer RA; Menzies SW; Thompson JF; Cust AE, 2019, 'The steadily growing problem of lentigo maligna and lentigo maligna melanoma in Australia: Population-based data on diagnosis and management', Australasian Journal of Dermatology, 60, pp. 118 - 125,
Read RL; Madronio CM; Cust AE; Goumas C; Watts CG; Menzies S; Curtin AM; Mann G; Thompson JF; Morton RL, 2018, 'Follow-Up Recommendations after Diagnosis of Primary Cutaneous Melanoma: A Population-Based Study in New South Wales, Australia', Annals of Surgical Oncology, 25, pp. 617 - 625,
Watts CG; Drummond M; Goumas C; Schmid H; Armstrong BK; Aitken JF; Jenkins MA; Giles GG; Hopper JL; Mann GJ; Cust AE, 2018, 'Sunscreen use and melanoma risk among young Australian adults', JAMA Dermatology, 154, pp. 1001 - 1009,
Watts CG; Wortley S; Norris S; Menzies SW; Guitera P; Askie L; Mann GJ; Morton RL; Cust AE, 2018, 'A National Budget Impact Analysis of a Specialised Surveillance Programme for Individuals at Very High Risk of Melanoma in Australia', Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 16, pp. 235 - 242,
Watts CG; Madronio C; Morton RL; Goumas C; Armstrong BK; Curtin A; Menzies SW; Mann GJ; Thompson JF; Cust AE, 2017, 'Clinical features associated with individuals at higher risk of melanoma a population-based study', JAMA Dermatology, 153, pp. 23 - 29,
Watts CG; Cust AE; Menzies SW; Mann GJ; Morton RL, 2017, 'Cost-effectiveness of skin surveillance through a specialized clinic for patients at high risk of Melanoma', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 35, pp. 63 - 71,
Watts CG; Madronio CM; Morton RL; Goumas C; Armstrong BK; Curtin A; Menzies SW; Mann GJ; Thompson JF; Cust AE, 2017, 'Diagnosis and clinical management of melanoma patients at higher risk of a new primary melanoma: A population-based study in New South Wales, Australia', Australasian Journal of Dermatology, 58, pp. 278 - 285,
Watts CG, 2017, 'The challenge of skin surveillance: observe or biopsy?', British Journal of Dermatology, 176, pp. 851 - 852,
Madronio CM; Armstrong BK; Watts CG; Goumas C; Morton RL; Curtin A; Menzies SW; Mann GJ; Thompson JF; Cust AE, 2016, 'Doctors’ recognition and management of melanoma patients’ risk: An Australian population-based study', Cancer Epidemiology, 45, pp. 32 - 39,
Watts CG; Cust AE; Menzies SW; Coates E; Mann GJ; Morton RL, 2015, 'Specialized surveillance for individuals at high risk for melanoma a cost analysis of a high-risk clinic', JAMA Dermatology, 151, pp. 178 - 186,
Watts CG; Dieng M; Morton RL; Mann GJ; Menzies SW; Cust AE, 2015, 'Clinical practice guidelines for identification, screening and follow-up of individuals at high risk of primary cutaneous melanoma: A systematic review', British Journal of Dermatology, 172, pp. 33 - 47,
Dieng M; Watts CG; Cust AE; Kasparian NA; Morton RL; Mann GJ, 2014, 'Improving subjective perception of personal cancer risk: Systematic review and meta-analysis of educational interventions for people with cancer or at high risk of cancer', Psycho-Oncology, 23, pp. 613 - 625,
Dieng M; Watts CG; Kasparian NA; Morton RL; Mann GJ; Cust AE, 2013, 'Improving Subjective Perception of Personal Cancer Risk: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Educational Interventions for People With Cancer or at High Risk of Cancer', PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY, 22, pp. 60 - 60,
Dieng M; Watts C; Kasparian NA; Morton R; Mann G; Cust A, 2012, 'Improving cancer risk understanding: A systematic review of educational interventions for people with, or at high risk of, cancer', Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, pp. 343 - 343
Watts CG; Andrews RM; Druce JD; Kelly HA, 2003, 'Establishing thresholds for influenza surveillance in Victoria', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 27, pp. 409 - 412,
Watts C; Kelly H, 2002, 'Fragmentation of influenza surveillance in Australia.', Communicable diseases intelligence, 26, pp. 8 - 13
Watts C, 1992, 'FAP registers in Australia.', Australian family physician, 21, pp. 1037 - 1038
Salam RA; Gide TN; Cust AE; Scolyer RA; Long GV; Silva IPD; Ferguson P; Mann GJ; Watts C; Wilmott JS; Smith AL, 2023, Perspectives of health professionals and patients on implementation of a predictive model of response to immunotherapies in advanced melanoma,
Miao P; Terris-Prestholt F; Fairley CK; Tucker JD; Wiseman V; Mayaud P; Zhang Y; Rowley J; Gottlieb SL; Korenromp E; Watts C; Ong J, Ignored and Undervalued in Public Health: A Systematic Review of Health State Utility Values Associated with Syphilis Infection,
Nguyen J; Ting S; Paul E; Smith AL; Watts CG; Kelly J; Cust AE; Mar V, 2021, 'Diagnostic tools used for melanoma: A survey of Australian general practitioners and dermatologists', in Australasian Journal of Dermatology, pp. 300 - 309,
Smith AL; Watts C; Robinson S; Mar V; Cust A, 2021, 'Australian dermatologists' knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about the changing role of sentinel lymph node biopsy in melanoma management', in AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY, WILEY, pp. 119 - 119
Smith AL; Watts C; Rapport F; Cust AE, 2020, 'The future of sentinel lymph node biopsy in the management of invasive melanoma in Australia: A mixed-methods study using a determinants of practice implementation science framework', in ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, WILEY, pp. 96 - 96