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Starsim: A new agent-based framework for modelling HIV and STI co-transmission

Dr Robyn Stuart

Event date
Tuesday 25 June 2024
Event time
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Event address
In-person & online. Kirby Institute, Seminar Room Level 6, Wallace Wurth Building, Kensington Campus, UNSW Sydney

In this talk, Dr Stuart will discuss her work on Starsim, a tool that is capable of simulating co-transmission of HIV with other sexually transmissible infections, other transmissible diseases (such as tuberculosis), and non-communicable diseases. Starsim can be rapidly adapted to new contexts thanks to its modular structure, array-based computation, parallelisation, and pre-loading of commonly used data.

Robyn Stuart

Robyn Stuart
Independent Consultant, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Robyn Stuart specialises in the field of decision science for disease control. She holds a PhD in Mathematics from UNSW Sydney, and spent 7 years working within the University of Copenhagen’s Data Science Laboratory.

She is now based in Sydney, Australia and works as an independent contractor with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.


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