Professor Raina MacIntyre – Novel coronavirus COVID-19: update of current evidence and epidemic trajectory

Event date
Tuesday 18th February 2020
Event time
1:00 PM
Event address
Berg Family Foundation Seminar Room, Level 6, Wallace Wurth Building, Kensington Campus, UNSW Sydney


Berg Family Foundation Seminar Room, Level 6, Wallace Wurth Building, Kensington Campus, UNSW Sydney




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Kirby Institute Seminar Series presents

Professor Raina MacIntyre  

Professor Raina MacIntyre

NHMRC Principal Research Fellow, Head, Biosecurity Program, Kirby Institute

Professor Raina MacIntyre (MBBS Hons 1, FRACP, FAFPHM, M App Epid, PhD) is NHMRC Principal Research Fellow and Professor of Global Biosecurity. She heads the Biosecurity Program at the Kirby Institute, which conducts research in epidemiology, vaccinology, bioterrorism prevention, mathematical modelling, genetic epidemiology, public health and clinical trials in infectious diseases. Her research includes personal protective equipment, vaccinology, epidemic response, emerging infectious diseases, and bioterrorism prevention. She is a dual-specialist physician with training in epidemiology and modelling. Her research is underpinned by her medical training, vaccine program experience and extensive field outbreak investigation experience.


A novel coronavirus, COVID-19, emerged in early December 2019 in Wuhan, China, and was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern by WHO on 30 January 2020 when there were 7,711 cases globally, mostly in China. It has now surpassed SARS in number of cases and deaths, and has some similarities to both SARS and MERS CoV. This talk will cover the evidence of origins, clinical features, epidemiology and public health response to COVID-19, and forecasts of the epidemic trajectory.