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The Power of Words: Promoting Inclusive and Stigma-Free Communication in Medical Research

Danielle M. Russell, Bridget Haire, Gayle McNaught, Scott Harlum and Carla Treloar

Event date
Tuesday 27 August 2024
Event time
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Event address
In-person & online. Kirby Institute, Seminar Room Level 6, Wallace Wurth Building, Kensington Campus, UNSW Sydney

Join us to explore how the words we use as researchers have the power to impact people and shape the world around us. Our language influences our colleagues, news media, and the communities and individuals who participate in research. This seminar will explain why stigma and language matter, and show you how to avoid harmful language, challenge stereotypes, and promote inclusive narratives. Learn to reflect on how you communicate and hear practical strategies to make a positive impact in our field. This seminar is for everyone involved in human research, whether working directly with participants or with stored samples and secondary data.


Danielle M Russell

Dr Danielle M Russell
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The Kirby Institute, UNSW 

Danielle is a postdoctoral research fellow at The Kirby Institute. Her work focuses on leveraging research to drive social change through meaningful collaboration and community involvement in the research process. She is dedicated to partner with those directly impacted by research to improve the health and wellbeing of people who use drugs 

Bridget Haire

Dr Bridget Haire
Senior Lecturer, School of Populations Health, UNSW and The Kirby Institute, UNSW 

Dr Bridget Haire is an empirical bioethicist who teaches public health ethics and bioethics. She conducts research in public health, research ethics, human rights, in the areas of HIV and other blood-borne infections, sexual health and emerging infectious diseases. She is a former UNSW Diversity Champion (LGBTIQ 2019-20).

Gayle McNaught

Gayle McNaught
Public Affairs and Advocacy Manager, SANE

Gayle McNaught is a scientist and communicator with over two decades of experience in public awareness, community education and advocacy. Gayle has a particular interest in using evidence-based health communication strategies to promote positive behaviour change and better health outcomes. As the Public Affairs and Advocacy Manager at SANE Australia, Gayle is actively working to amplify the voices of those with lived experience, improve public understanding, and build a better life for Australians facing complex mental health challenges.

Scott Harlum

Scott Harlum
President, National Association of People With HIV Australia

Scott Harlum has lived experience of HIV, chronic kidney disease, haemodialysis and renal transplant. He is currently serving a third two-year term as President of the National Association of People With HIV Australia and he is a Director of Health Equity Matters (formerly the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations). In 2023 was appointed by Minister for Health, Mark Butler, to the Federal HIV Taskforce, whose role was to set a course for Australia to achieve the virtual elimination of HIV by 2030. 


Carla Treloar

Scientia Professor Carla Treloar
Scientia Professor, Centre for Social Research in Health and the Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW

Carla's research interests are in the fields of hepatitis C and injecting drug use. She is a primarily qualitative researcher and is grounded in the disciplines of health and social psychology, public health and health policy. Carla constantly seeks to work across methods and disciplines; working to blend the insights that an individual-based discipline like health psychology can provide when issues such as hepatitis C and illicit drug use are considered in social, legal and political contexts. 

Opinions expressed by individuals at this event are solely of those of the individual/s and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of the Kirby Institute or UNSW.