For Our Elders: A NAIDOC Week celebration

Event date
Thursday 29th June 2023
Event time
2:00 PM
Event address
Michael Birt Lawn, Chancellery Walk, Kensington Campus, UNSW Sydney

Ahead of NAIDOC Week 2023, the Kirby Institute and UNSW Medicine & Health invite you to an afternoon tea and celebration of First Nations culture on the Michael Birt Lawn at UNSW's Kensington Campus.

This year's NAIDOC Week theme is 'For Our Elders', and invites us to celebrate and pay tribute to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders' knowledge, leadership, and care.

"Across every generation, our Elders have played, and continue to play, an important role and hold a prominent place in our communities and families.

They are cultural knowledge holders, trailblazers, nurturers, advocates, teachers, survivors, leaders, hard workers and our loved ones."

As researchers, teachers, and practitioners in the health space, we are fortunate to be able to hear from these knowledge holders and engage with the truth and history of the land on which we work and learn. This event is an opportunity to celebrate, gather, give respect, and learn and will include:

2.05pm: Welcome to Country
2.15pm: performance by the Gamay Dancers
2.30pm: Q&A with local Elders

followed by afternoon tea on the lawn from 3pm.

UNSW staff, students and friends are all welcome to come along. We hope you can join us.