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HPV in men in China: Epidemiology, Impacts, and Public Health Strategies

Professor Huachun Zou

Event date
Tuesday 28 January 2025
Event time
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Event address

The implications of HPV for men remain underexplored, particularly in China. This presentation will provide a comprehensive overview of HPV and its associated morbidities in men, including MSM and male sexual health clinic clients, focusing on its epidemiological trends, associated health risks and prevention strategies, and addressing the barriers to HPV vaccination among men in China.


Professor Huachun Zou

Professor Huachun Zou 
Professor of Epidemiology, Fudan University, China; Adjunct Associate Professor, UNSW

Huachun Zou is a Professor of Epidemiology at Fudan University, China and an Adjunct Associate Professor at UNSW. His previous research delineated the natural history of HPV in teenage MSM, demonstrated evidence that circumcision prevents incident HIV among MSM, and clarified optimal antiviral treatment regimens and care models to improve the prognosis and prevent death among people with HIV.


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