Dr Adam Bartlett – Management and outcomes for adolescents with perinatal HIV infection in Asia

Event date
Tuesday 3rd September 2019
Event time
1:00 PM
Event address
Berg Family Foundation Seminar Room, Level 6, Wallace Wurth Building, Kensington Campus, UNSW Sydney


Berg Family Foundation Seminar Room, Level 6, Wallace Wurth Building, Kensington Campus, UNSW Sydney

Kirby Institute Seminar Series presents

Dr Adam Bartlett  

Dr Adam Bartlett

PhD Student, Biostatistics and Databases Program, Kirby Institute

Adam Bartlett is a Paediatric Infectious Diseases Physician (Sydney Children's Hospital) and Conjoint Associate Lecturer (School of Women's and Children's Health). His PhD focuses on the management and outcomes for adolescents with perinatal HIV infection in Asia through a collaboration between the Kirby Institute and the TREAT Asia Paediatric HIV Network.


Adolescents with perinatal HIV infection are an expanding population that are vulnerable to poor outcomes as they deal with a chronic infection and lifelong antiretroviral therapy during a complex period of psychosocial development. Understanding the management and outcomes for adolescents with HIV is key to informing optimal models of care.