Congratulating the latest Kirby Institute PhD completions

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The Kirby Institute are proud to celebrate the completions of six PhD students. At the graduation ceremonies held at UNSW in August, Muhammad Riaz, Sichan He, and Anindita Sudewo were conferred their PhDs. Louise Geddes, Georges Randriafanomezantsoa Radohery, and Lucy Watchirs-Smith also completed their PhDs in recent months. 

“I congratulate all of the recent PhD graduates and graduands on this significant accomplishment,” said Professor Anthony Kelleher, Director of the Kirby Institute. “Their efforts to complete their studies during the pandemic have been significant. They should all be exceptionally proud not only on achieving their PhD, but on making significant research contributions to the Kirby Institute and society more broadly.”

Congratulations to the following graduates and their supervisors:

Muhammad Riaz Single molecule whole genome sequencing of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) and its applications
Supervisors: Mark Danta (primary), Behzad Hajarizadeh (secondary), Maryam Alavi (secondary)

Sichan He The impact of improved hepatitis B and C antiviral therapy on hepatocellular carcinoma
Supervisors: Mark Danta (primary), Behzad Hajarizadeh (secondary), Maryam Alavi (secondary)

Anindita Sudewo Understanding HIV risk and engagement with harm reduction and HIV services: the lived experiences of women and men who inject drugs in Jakarta, Indonesia
Supervisors: Stephen Bell (primary), Elke Mitchell (joint), Carla Treloar (secondary), Richard Gray (secondary)

Louise Geddes An investigation of the health-related harms associated with illicit opioid injection
Supervisors: Lisa Maher (primary), Jennifer Iversen (secondary)

Georges Randriafanomezantsoa Radohery Estimating antimalarial drug activity in vivo: an interdisciplinary approach combing novel experimental data with mathematical modelling
Supervisors: Miles Davenport (primary), David Khoury (joint), Deborah Cromer (secondary)

Lucy Watchirs-Smith Investigating the impact of current issues affecting the sexual health of Australian young people
Supervisors: Rebecca Guy (primary), Bette Liu (joint), Louisa Degenhardt (secondary)