Professor Virginia Wiseman joins T20 international advisory board ahead of Indonesia summit

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Professor Virginia Wiseman, a leader in health economics and health systems, has been invited to join the Think20 (T20) Task Force 6 on Global Health Security and COVID-19, ahead of the 2022 G20 summit, which will be held in Bali, Indonesia.

The T20 is the G20's official engagement group that is responsible for connecting and collaborating with regional and international institutions and think tanks. It serves as the G20's "ideas bank", bringing together experts from across the globe to provide, facilitate, and communicate research-based policy recommendations to the G20. 

The Task Force 6 on Global Health Security and COVID-19 will advise the President of Indonesia and other G20 leaders on matters of global health security and policy. These matters include equitable access and production of COVID-19 tests, treatments and vaccines, pandemic prevention and preparedness, enhancing a building resilient health systems, and collaborating with regional partners to address health threats. 

It is one of nine T20 task forces that will seek to drive policy innovation to support G20 leaders on pressing global challenges and seek a sustainable, inclusive, and resilient society.