Australian Awards Fellowship program improves research expertise to control tropical diseases

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This week, the Kirby Institute welcomed 14 current and future leaders from Indonesia, Cambodia, Fiji and Solomon Islands for a research training program designed to strengthen the capacity of partners to identify and respond to important tropical health issues facing their countries.

The program involved seminars with leading tropical health experts, a UNSW research skills seminar and two Kirby Institute short course exploring the use of epidemiological tools to identify, prevent and control tropical and infectious diseases and methodologies used to evaluate the impact of public health programs.

The visit was funded through the Australian Awards Fellowship program offered by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade as part of grant funding to support activities for overseas development assistance. Fellowships target leaders who will be in a position to advance priority foreign affairs and development issues on their return home.

“This program supports the development of high-quality research that is integral to making a sustained impact on tropical and infectious diseases,” said Liza Doyle from the Kirby Institute. “Importantly, it also sets the scene for ongoing research partnerships with leaders in neighbouring countries which will allow Australia to closely consider interventions required to address key health threats to our tropical and cross border regions.”


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Laurie Legere, Media and Communications Manager, Kirby Institute


0413 476 647
